Chapter 30

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The next morning I wake up with a massive smile on my face, and a bit of a headache. It's not too bad considering I had four glasses of wine. 

And surprisingly, didn't do anything stupid like tell James to stay over, which is what I was bracing myself for when I opened my eyes. I was preparing myself, just in case I asked the hazel eyed boy to stay with me. 

Thankfully, no hazel eyed boy was next to me when I woke up, so that's good. 

Self-control is a winner here. 

I get up and get dressed, knowing that I am expected at the club at 9am sharp as the boys have training. 

I got home at around about midnight last night, so yes I am running on about 8 hours of sleep, but I am actually excited to go and see the boys as I'll be helping out with drills today. 

I quickly chuck on a pair of bulldogs shorts as well as my polo and jumper on top as it is a bit coolish this morning, before walking downstairs. 

"Good morning, I was wondering if I was going to have to wake you up." Marcus says with a smile, and I smile too. 

"Morning. Yeah well I'm up." I say walking over to the fridge and pulling out a pre-made smoothie. 

"The boys will be excited to see you today." 

"I'm excited to see them too. I was so upset I couldn't come in on Thursday cause I got handed extra classes." I say and Marcus nods. 

"Yeah, they were disappointed as well. But at least the club understands and is very lenient." 


"So how was last night?" 

"It was good." 

"Is that all you're gonna tell me?" Marcus asks and I sigh. 

"What do you want to know?" 

"Well, how it went, what you're feeling now that he's spoilt you a bit ya know." 

"Oh, well it was obviously good that he took me out for dinner, I appreciate it so much. And yeah I think I am slowly starting to fall for him." I admit and Marcus smiles. 

"I'm happy for you Tahls. He's a really good bloke." Marcus says pulling me into a hug and I smile. 

"Yeah, he is. He was really sweet with what he said to me last night to." 

"What did he say?" Marcus asks intrigued. 

"Basically that he'll wait for me as long as it takes." 

"Wow." Marcus says. "Not a lot of guys are willing to do that, he's gotta be in love with you." 

"Hm I wouldn't say love, I'd say he likes me a lot yeah." 

"Nah, I reckon he's in love with you. Why else would he wait?" 

"I guess you're right. But I just found it so heartwarming that he's letting me take my time and think everything through. And reassuring me it's okay that we've known each other for so long but still aren't together." I confess and Marcus nods. 

"Not a lot of guys wait around Tahls, keep him." 

"I will. I just, I don't know. Deep down I know he won't break my heart but there's a part of me that's scared." 

"Well, my advice to you is to see how the second date goes and take it from there." Marcus says and I nod. 

"Thanks Marcus." I say and he smiles. "Anyways, is Em around?" 

"Nah she went to the club early today to do some paperwork before the boys distract her." 

"Or before you distract her." 

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now