Chapter 61

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Wednesday morning.

Feels more like a Monday morning if I'm being honest.

Today I have to go back to school after what has been a very long weekend.

I did enjoy the few days off I had off but I am keen to get back to work!

I get to work pretty early as I have a few things to do. Apparently a couple of year 12 boys got into a fight yesterday so I have to deal with it today and help sort out the consequences.

So that wasn't fun. Spending the first half of the day talking to students who were involved in the incident, cause it's usually not just the two that are in the fight, there's always others around that help instigate the two people.

I was pretty happy when I was able to teach my year 12's. They're just such a lovely bunch although I do have a couple of trouble makers in my class, it makes time go quicker because I'm busy making sure they're doing the work and not just bludging the whole lesson.

"Tahlia, this is Noah, he's gonna be with you for the double period." Mark, one of the P.E teachers say and I nod

"Hey Noah, nice to meet you so you interested in teaching health?"

"Yeah health and P.E, but more specifically P.E." He says and I nod

"Cool, well let's head to the classroom." I say looking at Mark and he smiles at me, giving me a little nod as I grab my stuff and Noah and I walk to the classroom a couple minutes before the bell goes.

"So as you've noticed the bell hasn't gone yet, I just love being early to class cause it helps me be able to set up you know." I say as I open the door to the classroom and we both walk in.

"Fair enough." He says and I smile.

"So you in your last year of uni or?"

"Yep I am, I graduate this year." He says and I nod.

"Getting a job shouldn't be an issue for you, all schools are looking for teachers."

"Oh yeah, that'll be good for me then."

"Definitely will." I say as I grab out a whiteboard marker and write up some stuff on the board.

"So you're The Bont's sister right?"

"Yep, that's me." I say looking at him and he nods. "You a doggies supporter or?"

"I am actually." He says with a smile.

"That's great!" I say and he smiles.

"So how old are you?" I ask just making general conversation and he smirks.

"Why you think I'm cute or something." He says and I pause, turning around to look at him. I burst out laughing.

"Just answer the question."

"So it's a yes?" He smirks and I shake my head.

"No, we're colleagues so don't even finish what you were about to ask me."

"Why you got a boyfriend or somethin'?"

"Yes, in fact I do, but you don't won't find out who."

"Damn." He says and I laugh.

"So you gonna answer my question?"

"I'm 19."

"Sorry to break it to you hun, but you never had a chance with me, I'm nearly double your age."

"That's an exaggeration, didn't you just turn 24?"

"Last year yes."

"It's only 5 years."

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now