Chapter 47

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I stayed over at James' house for obvious reasons.

1; his grandmother just passed away


2; I just didn't want to leave him.

I didn't want him to be alone.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I didn't wanna leave him.

I think that's what everyone went wrong with me, they gave me too much space when Nonno died, I needed someone there to talk to me, tell me that everything is okay.

But I also don't want to smother him, so I have been also trying to give him space, as well as be there for him.

Although today is game day. Dogs vs Carlton. Our first home game of the year, which is exciting.

Hopefully it will be a packed house tonight with both Dogs and Blues supporters coming down.

The blues are hot after their win against Richmond, and will be wanting to back it up, to prove to everyone that they're gonna be the real deal this year under Voss.

And as for us, we lose this, we're 0 & 2... not a great start if you'd ask me.

I'm required to be at Marvel at around 5pm, so it's perfect as I can drive straight from here to the game.

Let's just hope we get the win...

I roll over to face James. I let out a smile when I see him awake, lying there but staring into space.

"You okay?" I ask and he nods, then sighs.

"I thought maybe yesterday was a dream, but I opened instagram to this..." James says handing me his phone and showing an Instagram post.

I grab his phone and have a proper look, tears welling up in my eyes when I see the beautiful message Jacqui has written about her grandmother.

"I'm so sorry." I say pulling him into a hug.

James reaches out and wipes the tears that are staining my cheeks and I do the same for him.

"You shouldn't be the one crying." He tries to joke and I sigh.

"It's hard not to, just makes me think of both of my Nonna's. God bless them." I say. "And Jacqui's message was beautiful, it would make anyone tear up."

"I guess so." He sighs, sitting up and wiping his eyes.

"I just hate being so depressed, I'm usually the joker, the one who's always happy." He says and I nod.

"I know, it's frustrating, but it's only been 24 hours, it'll take time." I reassure him as I rub his back. "How about we get up and go out for a walk? I'm sure Buddy would like that." I add and James nods, letting out a small smile as he gets up and walks into the bathroom.

Buddy is James' dog. He is a gorgeous golden retriever, still a pup as James got him a couple of months ago.

He is pretty cheeky, but too adorable to tell off. He's my favourite (sorry Mya).

I decide to get up, heading over to James' walk-in-robe where I grab one of his jumpers, chucking it on with the leggings I wore to work yesterday, before chucking on some runners and walking downstairs.

Surprisingly Finn is the only one up and I smile at him.

"How is he?" Finn asks pretty concerned and I sigh.

"He's okay. Still processing but he'll be okay." I reassure him and Finn nods.

"That's good."

"You know if you're worried about him you can talk to him about it. He'll open up to you."

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now