Chapter 23

171 5 23

^^ He is adorable omg 


I always hated Sunday's. It means the end of the weekend. Even though we have all day to do what we want, I have just never liked a Sunday. 

It also means that the next day, is the start of the working week, or school for the teachers and young kids. 

There is still a week until students go back to school. 

The downside of being a teacher is, is that you always have to go in a week early, so that you can set things up and organise yourself, which is something I usually like doing. 

Technically, I don't need to go in till Friday, but I will still go in since I like to organise myself, especially my desk. 

It's not like I can go and set up my classroom because I am never in a designated room. Being a high school teacher and always moving around. 

I decide to get out of bed and head downstairs as I can smell the sweet smell of waffles. 

"Waffles? Someone's got a bit of a sweet tooth this morning." I say which makes both my brother and Em turn around. 

"Thought you might want some." Marcus says and I take a seat at the bench. 

"Yes, but aren't you supposed to be on a healthy diet?" 

"You know there is a thing called cheat days." Marcus answers and I nod. 

"Fair enough." I say as Marcus places some waffles on a plate. 

"So, you didn't end up telling me how your day with Worpel went." Em says and I sigh. 

"Oh shit, I must've fallen asleep when I went upstairs, sorry." 

"It's all goods." She says and I smile. 

"It was good I guess, the usual." 

"Well that's good, I'm glad that you're out and about." 

"Yeah, me too." I say as I dig into my waffles. 

It's hard not to tell everyone how I'm currently feeling. I want to tell Em, but Marcus is here right now and I don't really want him knowing what happened between James and I. 

Not that anything bad happened, but because we did kiss, and did share an intimate moment. And as much as I loved that happening, there is a part of me that feels like it shouldn't have happened. 

If the kiss didn't happen, the feelings I felt with Josh wouldn't have been brought back. 

I brush those thoughts out of my head as I tune into the conversation that Em and Marcus are having. 

 "Any plans today Em?" Marcus asks and I shake my head. 

"Nope." I say and he nods, then smiles. 

"Well, it's a shit day anyway outside, so how about we all sit down and watch a movie later today?" 

"Sounds good to me." I say as I get up and put my plate in the dishwasher then head upstairs to brush my teeth, and complete a few things for school. 

I take a seat on my desk and sigh as I open my laptop and read through my emails regarding the start of the school year. 

I am in the middle of reading one when I hear my phone go off. I pick it up and sigh, when I see that James has sent me a message. 

James Worpel ❤️: 

Morning gorgeous x 

I can't help but smile when I read the text, but then I sigh. 

Why did you have to make me remember this feeling? I think, as I type a response. 


Morning... x 

I sigh again as I know by distancing myself will stop me from getting hurt. 

I may be selfish for doing this, but I really don't think I will be able to go through another heartbreak. I've been through two and frankly, that's enough. 

I just have this bad gut feeling that all of this will be for nothing, and that James and I are probably better off as friends. 

I toss my phone onto my bed and begin writing an email to another teacher regarding an issue about the timetable.... 


Hey guys, a bit of a boring chapter but I promise, it starts to get more interesting as the story progresses. 

Tahls... 😳 - is she doing the right thing? 

Remember to vote and comment 

Be prepared for a double update since this chapter is very short.... 

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now