Chapter 21

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The next couple of days go by in a blur. 

I saw Aaron yesterday at training. We didn't really talk much as we both tried to avoid each other. Although if we were stuck in a group situation, we'd try and get our banter as normal as possible so that no one would notice. 

I didn't mean to, but I guess the alcohol did get the better of me, and it's not the first time it's happened either. 

I know I shouldn't blame the alcohol, but it fucks with my mind. So therefore I am going to blame the alcohol. I know, I'm contradicting myself... 

Another thing is that no one suspects a thing. Which is good, but why would they when they know Aaron and I are just really good mates? 

Sometimes I think people can read me like a book, but clearly they can't otherwise Em and Marcus would've picked up that something had happened between Naughts and I on the day. 

I roll out of bed to get ready for the big day James has planned for us. 

I chuck on some bathers, with a crop top and denim shorts. James sent me a text last night, recommending for me to wear some bathers, which means he's taking me to some type of beach. Unless he has something else planned and then we're going to the beach. 

I could sit here and continue to guess what he has planned, but I won't know until we start driving. 

Once I'm ready, I head downstairs where I find Marcus and Em making some breakfast. 

"Good morning." I say walking over to the bench and taking a seat, a stack of pancakes on a plate in front of me. 

"Morning, thought I'd make you your favourite, pancakes." 

"That's very kind, but James could be here any minute." 

"So eat." Marcus says and I sigh, grabbing a pancake and smothering it with strawberry jam before shoving it into my mouth. The sweet flavour this early in the morning is like a shock to the system, but it tastes so damn good. 

I stuff myself with pancakes before the doorbell rings and I get up. 

"See you guys later." I say grabbing my things and heading towards the front door. 

"Or not." Em says with a teasing tone, and I roll my eyes as I open the front door and walk to James' car. 

"Good morning." I say as I see James leaning on the passenger side of the car. 

"Morning, looking gorgeous as usual." He says, pushing himself off the car and walking towards me. 

"Stop it." I say and he smiles. 

"Never." He says, opening the car door for me and I smile as I get in, before shaking my head. 

"You're such a gentleman." 

"Only to you." He says and I turn to face him, a confused look on my face. 

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask, placing my hand on his forehead like a mother would do to check if their child has a fever. 

"Totally fine." He says with a chuckle, and I sigh, as he backs out of the driveway and starts the journey to god knows where. 

"So where exactly are we going?" 

"The whole point of a surprise, is that it's a surprise." 

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I say and he chuckles. 

"Why do you hate surprises?" 

"I just like knowing everything, having a plan, I need to know." 

"No, you don't need to know." He says and I look at him, with a raised eyebrow. 

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now