Chapter 35

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Date number three.

Oh how I have been waiting for it to come. Counting down the hours from last night. And now that it is finally here, I am nervous.

Nervous because I know James has something special planned, but also because I am finally going to tell him how I feel.

Yep. After 24 hours of thinking and thinking about it, I have realised that I need to tell him.

The more I keep hiding my feelings for him, the more time I am wasting, and to be fair I've had enough of keeping it from him, from pushing him away.

These past couple of weeks he has made me realise that he is like no other guy I have ever dated, or been interested in.

He cares for me, treats me with the utmost respect, and he is really funny and romantic. It's everything I have ever been searching for in a guy, and I know that in 20 years time, I will be kicking myself if I didn't take this opportunity with him now.

I really believe that it was no coincidence that I met James in Noosa, especially at the time with the drama I was going through with Josh.

This was meant to happen. I am meant to be with James, and no one can do anything to change my mind.

He has spent weeks, upon weeks trying to convince me that he is different, and he definitely succeeded.

That's why I'm going to come clean in the next few hours. If anything he deserves it because he's been trying so fucking hard to get me, so the least I could do is say to him that I like him, and that I want to be in a relationship with him.

He deserves to be as happy as I do.

I decide to start getting ready for the big night as James said he will pick me up at 7pm sharp. Obviously I need to be ready by at least 6:45 because he always comes early. Mainly to talk to my brother about footy.

I decide to wear a red, off the shoulder midi dress, that has a massive split down the side. I specifically bought the dress for this date.

But before I put the dress on Em walks into my room.

"Excited for the big date?" She asks taking a seat on my bed having done my makeup earlier so that when it comes time, I can just chuck the dress on with no worries.

"Yes, and I am a bit nervous." I say and she smiles.

"You'll be fine, it's not like he's gonna ask you to marry him."

"Well, I hope not, cause we're not even together yet." I say and she laughs.

"I don't think that's on his agenda yet."

"I'm glad." I say as I change my earrings.

"What are you nervous about?"

"Well, I may or may not be telling him that I want to be with him, in a relationship..." I say and Em squeals.

"OH MY GOD TAHLIA." She says getting up and pulling me into a hug. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

"Yes." I say laughing and she squeals again just as Marcus walks into the room to see what all the fuss is about.

"What's going on?" He asks confused.

"Your sister is going to be in a relationship by the end of the night." Em yells and Marcus chuckles.

"And how do we know if he's going to ask me?" I ask.

"Because we all know that he's gonna tie you down straight away babes." Em says and I smile and Marcus shakes his head.

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now