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Nico POV:

Running. Hiding. Cant breath. Must keep going. They'll find me, catch me. Kill me. I hide behind a rock, gasping to catch my breath. The rock, however, had other ideas. Turns out it was a sidthry,a rock like monster that only exists in Tartarus. It swung around at me, narrowly missing my head. I grabbed the sword at my side. It was a Stygian iron sword, dustifying monsters on impact, sending them strait to Tartarus. That's when I remembered that I was already in Tartarus, they would only spawn elsewhere to torment me later. Lost in this realization, I didn't notice when the sidthry swung at me again. This time, it hit me, it's spikes impaling themselves all down the left side of my face and chest. To late I remember that the sidthry's spikes are poisonous. I lay there, paralyzed and struggling to breath. I was helpless as the poison seeped through my veins, my heartbeat echoing in my ears, growing slower and slower, as the poison reached my heart, I passed out.
"Nico!" "Nico are you OK?" Will's frantic cry came. I awoke with a start, finding the infirmary sheets twisted around my legs and the setting sun glaring in my eyes. I reached up and felt the scars the sidthry had left. They were magical scars, ones that nectar and ambrosia couldn't fix. They left a permanent reminder to be more carful. Too scared to say anything, I just looked at Will and nodded. He reached out and wiped away tears on my face, ones that I didn't even know where there. On instinct, I flinch away at the physical contact. The son of Apollo drew his hand back, a worried look on his face.
"You were crying and thrashing about in your sleep. Are you ok?" Will wondered. About to lie and say yes, I decided against it. I was working on trusting people again. It was hard, since every time I opened up and let someone into my life, I only ended up worse than if I had shut them out, rejected when they saw how screwed up I was. Rejected like a broken doll, useless and un fixable. I looked at Will's face, so full of sympathy and compassion that I just broke down in tears. I didn't try to hold back the sobs as tears cascaded down my face, salty as they crossed my lips. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, reminding me that I was here, at Camp Half Blood, not Tartarus. There was hope here, a kind of hope that didn't exist in hell. That's where all the monsters were born and respawned. I allowed myself the luxury of just crying, something I hadn't done in a while, and leaned against his chest, his warmth bringing back feeling to my freezing limbs.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Will inquired after a few minutest.
"It's ok if you don't. I just know that sometimes it makes me feel better, like a weight had been lifted off my chest." When he said that, I felt guilty and sat up.
"Sorry" I mumbled.
"No, no you're fine. I meant something like grief or anger or fear, not you." With that, I leaned back into the shelter of his arms.

Will POV:

Nico was adorable when he was asleep. His expression wasn't as tense and guarded as it usually was. He really did look like an angel. My angel blanket. The way he kept me warm reminded me of a blanket. It was kind of funny to think of bad boy Nico as a blanket. I chuckled to myself at that.
Working on the infirmary isn't all that bad. Sure there are a lot of bloody and gory sights, but you get used to it after a while. There was also the pain of losing someone too, but that's how the circle if life goes. The worst part though was the lack of sleep. There were so few healers and so many injured. I was working my tail off just to keep some people alive. You can't just feed them ambrosia and make them all better. Too much of that stuff and your blood will literally turn to fire and you will burn to death. Whenever I could, I tended Nico. He needed it too. When he first came here, he slept about 48 hrs strait. That was a couple days ago. Since then, he has been sleeping on and off. I'm worried about him though. There's a darkness that's eating him alive. I can feel it. Ambrosia and nectar can't fix it. It's something deeper.
Nico's soft snores slowly lull me to sleep. I guess a little rest can't hurt. I have been working all day. Night too. I'll take care of things later. Now, though, it's time for a nap.

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