I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley

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Chapter 1: So close, yet so far away….


            “Who are you?” her sweet gentle voice rang through my head, my eyes stared at the girl I loved in horror. She was joking she had to be joking.


“Marley… stop joking around.”


“Why would I joke? Where am I? Who are you?” her voice said again, this time more firm. I couldn’t believe this, I finally had the girl I loved with me, the Dark Lord was finished, and the wizarding war was over. Everything was fixed… everything except for Marley as I looked into those sky blue eyes; she showed no expression of acknowledgement for me. This couldn’t be happening to me….


“Marley…” I whispered as I felt my eyes burst open, I looked hazily up at the ceiling as I sighed and placed my head on my forehead, remembering the day like it was yesterday…. Which in fact it had been a month since that incident in the Hospital Wing in Hogwarts. I groaned as I placed my hands on my eyes, all I could think about was that girl, the girl I fell in loved with, and the girl that has forgotten completely about me. I turned over on my bed as I looked at the table next to my bed, there glistening in the sunlight was the Lily shaped wedding ring I had given Marley.

I stood up as I pulled the covers off of me as I picked up the small ring in my hands and felt a small smile play on my lips. I remembered the day I had given this to her… there were tears involved, but then again there were always tears involved when it involved Marley, and then there were kisses. I then remembered the day at the Hospital Wing, when she had been exclaimed the situation, leaving out the “real” parts. See, we couldn’t tell Marley what had happened, Madam Pomffrey said she would have a nervous breakdown if we told it to her so suddenly; she would have to remember on her own. This ring… this ring almost made her have that nervous breakdown.

“What’s this?” Marley’s voice rang out as she looked at the beautiful lily shaped engagement ring placed on her ring finger, her eyes widened in horror. “W-What is this?!” she exclaimed looking at dad and Caitlin. Dad, Caitlin and Clary were the only people Marley knew, since she had heard about our father from her mother, Clary because she was her daughter and Caitlin because she was Marley’s old friend.


“That’s… That’s my engagement ring for the girl I’ll fall in love someday!” I announced as everyone looked around the room awkwardly and then their gaze turned towards me, it was the only thing I could think about. Marley arched an eyebrow curiously at me.


“Then… Then why am I wearing it!?” she exclaimed nervously as my grinned turned slightly to a frown. I wanted to blurt it out; I wanted to say it, to say she was my fiancée! We are in love…. But I knew I couldn’t as my eyes looked at her and I forced a smile on my face.

“Because you thought it was pretty and wanted to try it on, then I guess you forgot you were wearing it… but you remembered, so I can take that back now…” I said looking at Marley as her eyes shrunk back to their normal sizes as she let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh okay… phew. I thought I was married or something and didn’t even know about it.” She smiled as I felt something squeeze my heart, but I continued to force the grin to stay on my face as I held out my hand for her to place the ring in my open hand. “Well, good luck with finding that perfect girl, you better make sure it’s a girl who likes Lilies.”

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now