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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters.



[Six Years Later]

"Are you sure it's down here?" I questionably asked, trying to keep up with the boy with the flaming red head as he glanced back at me with that grin, which always made my legs weak at the knees.

"Miss Riddle, you worry too much." My husband said flashing me a grin as I rolled my eyes, as I held onto little five years' old, while the six year old rode on my eleven year olds' wagon holding all her school supplies, including her new pet owl, who hooted at the passing muggles in the train station. I looked back down at the piece of parchment, it said we would go to the Hogwarts Express, located at station 9 ¾, which made absolutely no sense to me. How could there be a station that was 9 ¾?

"Mummy's a worry wart! Mummy haven't you ever been to Hogwarts?" Samantha asked curiously as she turned towards me while she still sat on Clary's wagon. Samantha's dark red hair and dark blue eyes shown curiously towards me, as I smiled at my little six year old. She was so much like her father it was scary, the way she always went heads first into things, and took chances on everything, not to mention her love for pranks. She was the second oldest out of her brother and sister, Clary being the oldest. I looked towards my eleven year old, she had grown up so much, her curly blonde hair going slightly past her shoulder blades, as her crystal blue eyes shined with brilliance, and she smiled, that radiating smile, that smile that only Clary could show.

"Mummy has not Sammy, she's just a muggle." Fred said sticking his tongue out at me as I shot him a glare. "A very pretty muggle." He quickly saved himself as I smiled, and blushed slightly.

"Thank you Fred, now could you possibly tell us, exactly how we are suppose to get to this station, 9 ¾, there is no such thing around here." I stated as we reached station 9 and 10. I looked around, there was no 9 ¾ in sight.

"Daddy, where's the station?" Clary asked looking around, just as confused as I was, as well as Samantha, and my youngest. Aidan, he was the youngest, five years old and the only boy out of the girls we had. He had flaming red hair like his father, which went down to just a little past the top of his ears, he, however, had dark brown eyes, that seemed to come from the other Weasley genes. He was a lot like me, he blushed easily when people talk to him, and he was timid, shy, but an all around sweet boy. "We need to get there fast, or else the train's gonna leave without us!" Clary announced as she started to panic.

"Calm down, Clary. It's through there." Fred stated with a smile as he pointed at a brick wall. I looked at the brick wall and then at Fred.

"You're kidding me." I stated, questionably.

"Nope." He stated with a smirk, "Now Clary, Sam, follow my lead." Fred said with a smirk as he started to run towards the wall.

"Fred!" I yelled, he was crazy if he thought that he really was going to go through that brick wall. I mean it was a brick wall! We watched in horror and amazement as we saw the tall, red headed grinning man disappear through the brick wall. I blinked in utter astonishment, noticing Fred had actually gone through the brick wall. "Bloody hell... they always have to have some kind of lunatic entrance in the wizarding world don't they?" I asked mostly myself as I looked at the brick, I sighed. "Alright, girls, you're next. I suppose if your father can go through it, then you two can." I said as Clary and Sam looked over at me. Clary looked at me as if I was just as crazy, Samantha, however, looked like an eager beaver getting ready to receive something special.

"Alright!" Samantha yelled in excitement, "Let's go big sis!" Samantha yelled bouncing up and down on the wagon.

"Alright, just calm down, and stop bouncing!" Clary said firmly at her younger sister, she then let out a breath of air as she looked around making sure there were no muggles around. Once the coast was clear, she started towards the wall in a run, pushing her sister, wagon, and owl straight through the brick wall. Disappearing behind it. I smiled; I then looked down at the small boy who was grasping my hand firmly.

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now