{Chapter 5} Is it really Just Pity?

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Disclaimer: Do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters.

Chapter 5: Is it really Just Pity?

            “Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes.” Fred whispered ever so softly into my ear as it sent shivers down and up my spine. He pulled away and looked down at me with a smirk; I could already feel the blush slowly creeping its way onto my face. I couldn’t even respond, it felt like my mouth was dry and I had no idea what to say.

“Come on!” I heard Verity yell at me from behind, I immediately shut my mouth and gave a quick nod towards Fred as I quickly turned around and walked towards Verity, who was holding open a door that probably lead to the back room. I could still feel my cheeks blazing, I wasn’t even sure why I was blushing so much, and maybe it was the fact that Fred was that close to me ever since the other day…. Or maybe it was the fact that his lips had grazed my ear… I immediately shook the thoughts out of my head as I turned my attention back to the glaring Verity. I had noticed we were already in the back room.

I looked around to see it was slightly lit, not as bright or as extravagant as the actually shop itself, but what could you really expect from a backroom? Even in magical stores, it was dusty, large filled with boxes containing who knows what, not to mention it was cold and damp in the room. There was a small bright yellow table with one or two orange chairs around the table, I noticed, I also wondered what that was there for. It didn’t really fit in with the slightly dark room. “Well are you just going to stare at the room all day or do you want me to show you what to do? I do have a job to get back to you know.” I heard Verity said coldly as I turned and looked at her.

“Sorry.” I apologized as I looked at the girl. She was pretty, short, well around my height, and very slender. Verity had light short layered blonde hair that was a tad below her ears and beautiful hazel eyes, defined cheekbones and a small plush mouth. Tell you the truth I was sort of jealous of her, she was very pretty and she looked like a doll almost with her pink eye shadow and blush, her make up around her eyes really brought the color out.  Everything about her sparkled, and she seemed sweet enough, but I knew she had a fiery attitude especially towards me for some reason.

“Look all you have to do is unpack those boxes over there,” she said as she pointed to the stacks of boxes over in the corner of the room, “and then place all the items that are not broken or damaged in anyway on the shelf.” She said referring to the large shelf behind her, I nodded, seemed like a simple enough task. “And then you have to mark down on that clipboard over there which one’s are broken, and set them aside from the other products. That way Mr. and Mr. Weasley can work out the kinks.” She replied frustrated, she seemed bored in having explaining this all to me, she had her arms crossed across her black shirt, while her legs leaned on one of the other, as if she was just sick of being in here with me and just wanted to burst out the door.

“Alright… I think I can take care of it then.” I said as I looked at her, I felt somewhat self-conscious about myself at this moment as I stood in front of Verity. She was pretty, and she was wearing something more appealing then grungy sweats. She had on some green high tops with white skinny jeans that seemed to sparkle, and a black shirt.

“Good. Don’t bug me or Mr. and Mr. Weasley if you have problems, you can figure it out yourself, you seem smart enough.” Verity snapped at me as I looked at her.

“So I’m just suppose to figure out by myself, what to do if I mess up?” I asked as she glared at me.

“Do you not speak English? Yes, that’s what I just said.” She responded coldly, I was starting to get a little ticked off, what exactly have I done wrong here?

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