{Chapter 7} Verity's Plan

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Disclaimer: I DO Not OWN ANY HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS! I wish i did :'(


Chapter 7: Verity’s Plan


            I stacked the shelves as I felt my face heat up every time Fred walked by, I kind of figured I would be like this after last night. But I was sort of expecting to hide myself in the backroom most of the day, but that didn’t happen. I was told to start placing the products on the shelves today by George. I think he knew what I had planned and made me do this for his own personal pleasure. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I was flustered beyond belief around Fred, but he was perfect. He didn’t change, he would still tease me and joke around with me, especially now since I was seriously a human tomato. It made me wonder how bad I would be if I had actually kissed Fred’s on the lips instead of the cheek, but I shook that thought away from my head in an instant trying not to blush anymore. For some reason, it feels like I’ve been in this situation before, however, I don’t know when or how…. But it just feels familiar.

“Miss Riddle, earth to Miss Riddle.” I heard the all too familiar voice of Fred Weasley call to me interrupting my thoughts, as he soon starting to knock on my head. “Anyone awake up in there?”

I blushed as I glared up at him, “Mr. Weasley stop that!” I exclaimed childish grabbing his hand, I still tend to call him Mr. Weasley when I was working, it just seemed more professional, and Verity tended to give me her death glare if I didn’t.

“Well finally I get your attention Miss Riddle, and how many times have I told you to call me Fred?” he asked frowning slightly as I smiled.

“Probably about a hundred times, but like I’ve told you a hundred times when we are working I will call you by your proper name.” I said as I placed a box of Edible Dark Marks on the shelf.

Fred pouted as he stared down at me, “No fair Miss Riddle, that really is too cruel.” He said as I rolled my eyes, still feeling my cheeks burn slightly.

“Mr. Weasley, what is it you felt the need to bother me for?” I asked as I tried to continue to work.

“Oh right, well I actually just came over here to escape those girls over there.” Fred said pointing a finger at a group of teenage girls that probably ranged from anywhere between sixteen and eighteen. I looked over to see they were practically giving me the same look Verity gave me when I spoke to Fred. “They fancy me quiet a bit, actually George and I, but me more.”

I rolled my eyes, “Well I don’t see how that’s a problem, if you have a group of beautiful girls that fancy you, even though I don’t see why anyone in their right minds would fancy you.” I said with a smirk as Fred glared down at me as he leaned against the shelf with his arms crossed.

“Well it so happens, a lot of girls fancy me, Miss Riddle. Practically every girl I come in contact with, I’m just devishly handsome and incredibly charming for them not to.” Fred stated in a matter-of-factly tone as I smiled.

“Whatever you say Mr. Weasley.” I said with a grin as he glared down at me, “So why are you trying to escape them again? And how are you doing that exactly while you’re standing here talking to me?” I asked as I continued to stack up the shelves, Fred smiled.

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