{Chapter 20} Happily Ever After

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters :)

Chapter 20: Happily Ever After

            I looked at the girl staring back at me in the mirror. She was absolutely beautiful, and she looked almost nothing like me. I mean yes, she had the curly brown hair, and same vivid blue eyes as me, but she looked completely different. She had a certain radiant glow emitting off her body, I had that glow.        It was the same glow I had seen on Caitlin and Fleur on their wedding day, and I wondered, was it because I was finally marrying the person I loved?

I grinned childishly as I looked again at myself in the mirror and twirled around in my wedding dress. I squealed, it was a beautiful, simple, elegant white wedding dress. It was strapless and hugged my torso nicely as it flowed out beautifully from the waist down, until it was slightly kissing the floor beneath me. I smiled, this was not just any wedding dress, and it was a gift from my mother… How was that possible you may ask? Well I’ll tell you how.


I woke up one morning, probably a month or so after Fred and I finally were together. My eyes slowly fluttering open as I looked in my slightly small bed to see Clary lying next to me, her strawberry blonde curls sprawled all over the pillow she was laying on. I smiled at my little girl as I then noticed another figure in the bed. I looked over and smiled, there lay Fred Wesley, half of his body was covered while the rest of his exposed chest lay out in the open. Fred’s hand was over his head while his other arm lay dangling off the side of the bed. He looked adorable when he slept, so peaceful, the two of them, when they weren’t jumping around like psycho maniacs. I smiled at the two wonderful people I loved waking up to in the mornings.

I stretched as I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes; I then started to get up from the warm bed finding one of Fred’s shirts hanging over my dress. I immediately grabbed for it as I placed it on top of my tank top and sweat pants. No matted how many times I denied it, I loved wearing Fred’s shirts. I looked around to see quiet a few pieces of article of clothing belonging to Fred, I sighed. That boy was not the cleanest. See Fred had decided that he would be moving in with us a little over a week ago, since Caitlin and George were getting a tad more physical since they were married. They loved expressing their love, and I wouldn’t blame them. So he moved in with Clary and I in our little two bedroom apartment, though this was only the second or third night he slept with either me or Clary in me in my bed.

He usually would sleep either in the living room on the couch, or he’d sleep in Clary’s room while Clary slept with me. We both felt that if we started sleeping together, it would lead to other things, and I was very strict on that other thing, I was waiting until after marriage. He accepted it with a little whimper, but accepted it nonetheless. So, now as I walked into my crowded apartment with boxes of possessions belonging to Fred crowding the hallways and the living room, I wondered when Mrs. Weasley was planning the wedding. She decided to take it fully upon herself to plan the wedding for Fred and me, though I told her a billion times not to she thought it would be best. The only thing I had to do was get a wedding dress and pick the color scheme. The part that I thought to be most difficult was finding a wedding dress. Caitlin, Hermione, Ginny and I have all gone shopping for a wedding gown, but it is a lot harder to pick one than you may think.

I sighed as I walked into the living room, noticing the couch bed splattered with pillows and blankets. Fred would probably be done unpacking all of his things by now if I had left him to use magic, but I wanted to make him suffer. So I told him he couldn’t, he had to do it the muggle way or else no more kisses for him. He gladly took the challenge. I smiled to myself as I made my way into the kitchen and started to prepare some breakfast; soon those two would be rolling out of bed demanding they had their food. Especially Clary, it was funny, she sort of reminded me of Sam in a way. Clary was so tiny, yet she could eat practically anything and everything and still be hungry.

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