{Chapter 15} The Hangover, News

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter characters.


Chapter 15: The Hangover News


            I started to wake up with a loud pain in my head, it felt as if someone was having a party in my head, banging on the inside of my brain constantly. My eyes started to flutter open, to the bright sun shining in on the window in my room, I groaned in frustration of the sun, as I tried to block out its evil rays of light by going deeper under the covers. I then felt something poke my on my side, as another wave of pain erupted in my skull. I slowly started to remove the covers from my face, and once I had my eyes out I met a pair of yellow pupils that were shaped as crescent moons. The sudden appearance scared me at first as I let out a loud scream, and someone managed to fall out of the bed I was laying in at the end of the bed. I groaned in pain as I landed on the hardwood floor with a loud thud, and my pain heightened in my head.

“Oops I hurt the hangover girl.” I heard a familiar voice.

“Max, you’re going to kill her one of these days.” I heard another familiar voice reply.  


“Hey it’s not my fault dollface get’s all jumpy in the mornings.” I heard Max say as I started to sit up, but the sudden movement made my head pound uncontrollably and the room spin. I stopped myself as I looked up to see Max and Angelous looking down at me. “Good Morning Dollface!” Max yelled as my hands went frantically to my head at the loud noise he made, he smirked, but Angelous smacked him. “Ow!” he whined as Angelous smiled.

“Sorry about that Marley.” Angelous said as I put my hand up.

“It’s fine… I’ll just make sure to kill Max when I’m fully recovered.” I said as I sent Max some daggers.

“Grr, someone’s not in a good mood this morning. I wonder if it is because of her little hangover she’s having now.” Max said as I groaned at his loud voice, he was doing this on purpose. Angelous smacked him again. “Ouch! Angel, must you always do that?”

“Yes, if you are going to continue to speak like Marley’s death.” Angelous said as Max sighed.

“Alright, I’m done… for now.” He said as I rolled my eyes at him as I got up, feeling the room spin slightly and losing my balance, thank goodness Max and Angelous were there to catch me.

“Someone’s still a little tipsy!” Max announced in a cheery voice as I glared at him.

“I’m not tipsy, my head just hurts.”

“Aw, poor little Marley has a little hangover from her little drunken state last night.” Max said ruffling my hair as I glared at him again.

“You talk to me like that again Max, and I will literally throw all your packs of smokes into the ocean and make sure you can never ever buy smokes again.” I said as Max eyes widened.

“You wouldn’t dare.” He seethed as I smirked.

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