{Chapter 18} The Photo Album

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter Characters :)

Chapter 18: The Photo Album

            My eyes started to flutter open, spots collided my vision for only a moment and then the room started to become focused. I stared at the maroon colored walls in a daze. I wondered for a moment where I was as I looked down to see myself covered under some light brown sheets, covers spread all over my sprawled body on this unfamiliar bed. I then looked at my articles of clothing I was wearing. Fear swept over me like a wave as I panicked for only a moment, but that all ceased once I looked down to see the figure laying next to me. The small girl next to me slept so soundly and peacefully that she almost looked like a small porcelain doll, with her fair milky skin, and strawberry blonde curls spread across the pillow. Clary looked so fragile when she slept, as if you’d break her just by touching her; I lightly ran my fingers across her forehead, moving the strands of hair from her face. Images of last night made their way into my thoughts as I remembered Clary and I stayed at Fred’s last night due to the storm. I gave out a collective sigh as I laid my head back down onto the pillow, having a faint smile make its way onto my face.

I looked over once more at my little daughter, hearing the sound of her breathing; it was so rythmatic, the sound was playing a lullaby for my ears. With the warmth emitting from the covers wrapped around my body, Clary’s soft rythmatic breathing, and the scent of Fred lingering in the air around. Sleep was pulling me back into its clutches.

I was getting close to giving in to the hold of my slumber when I started to hear noises outside the room, as if in a far away land. It was as if someone was talking and moving, but it sounded too loud for it to just be Fred. I tried to ignore the noises from the outside, tried to fall back into the arms of slumber, but it wouldn’t have it. For the noises grew louder and louder as if it was getting closer and then –

“Marley! Clary!” I heard an all too familiar voice exclaimed as I bolted up from the bed to stare at a radiant out of breath Caitlin Weasley. “You are here!”

“Hmm…. I suppose we are.” I yawned looking at Caitlin as if she were a dream, why couldn’t she have left me to fall into the arms of Mr. Slumber?

“Mmm… who’s dat?” I heard Clary ask groggily as I looked down at the little girl to see she was up and trying to rub the sleep from her eyes, to see who the horrid person that woke her up was.

“Aw, sorry if I woke you up Clary,” Caitlin said taking notice in the now awake Clary. She then turned towards me, a huge grin plastered on her glowing face. I stared at Caitlin, there was something different about her, but I couldn’t quiet put my finger on what. “So, Marley, what are you doing in Fred’s clothes?” Caitlin asked with an evil grin. I immediately felt my cheeks start to heat up and when I was about to respond someone else cut me off.

“Oh Marley…. I thought you were through with the alcohol.” I heard another familiar voice reply as I noticed George’s head pop out behind Caitlin, he was grinning like crazy. There was something off about him as well, but again I couldn’t tell what. George shook his head as if he were ashamed of something, he then grew closer to me, close enough that he was near my head. He lowered his head so his mouth was near my right ear, talking in a low whisper. “Did you sleep with my brother?” he asked incredulously as my face turned beet red and I immediately grabbed the pillow from behind me and smacked him across the face with it, as he went crumpling down to the ground.

“No!” I exclaimed glaring down at the boy on the floor as I heard laughter erupt from Caitlin, while Clary just stared at me quizzically.

“What Georgie say mommy?” Clary asked looking at me as I shook my head still blushing.

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