{Chapter 12} Heads will Turn

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters.



Chapter 12: Heads will Turn


            “I AM NOT WEARING THAT!” I yelled loudly as I stared at the grinning Caitlin who was holding up a very revealing bright red strapless dress. It looked like a very short red strapless dress, which looked tight fitting around the body. I stared at the dress and my grinning friend in horror, how could she think I would be wearing that? Especially to her wedding!

“Yes, you are. You are my bridesmaid and I get to choose what I wanted you to wear, and I chose this.” She said seriously as I stared at the girl in horror.

“No! I can’t! Caitlin, are you looking at the same dress I’m looking at? It’s too short! Especially to a wedding, and are you making Ginny and Hermione wear something like this?” I asked staring at the small flimsy piece of fabric, how could she expect me to wear this?

“Ginny and Hermione are wearing dresses I picked out for them as well. Now, shut up and get ready. We only have a couple more hours until the ceremony.” Caitlin said as I groaned, “Hey it’s either the dress or what you’re wearing now.”

I looked down at my outfit I was wearing now, which were still my pajamas. She had dragged me up this morning right when I woke up, to Fred and George’s room. My hair was still up in a messy ponytail, as I wore some pajama pants and a soft, tight dark green tank top. I considered what I was wearing; it wouldn’t be that bad if I wore this would it? “Don’t tell me you are actually considering wearing that.” Caitlin said looking at me apprehensively as I blushed.

“No!” I exclaimed as I grabbed the dress from her hands as she grinned. “Well then I better go take a shower and get ready…” I sighed.

“Yes you do! Because you have to help me get in my dress!” She said with a wink as I rolled my eyes at her childish antics. Since her mother left, Caitlin was left without a dress, but Fleur did an amazing thing and apparently told her mother, and her mother was able to send a wedding dress to Caitlin. She received it this morning; they told her it was an early wedding present. It was a beautiful white strapless dress, from what I knew already, thought I didn’t get a good chance to look at it this morning, due to the fact that Caitlin immediately rushed upstairs to hide it from George.

“Alright, alright.” I said waving her off as I started to head out the door.

“Have you asked Fred about that kiss?” I heard Caitlin ask as I immediately turned around and ran at her at lightning speed as I placed my hand over her mouth.

“Shh!!” I exclaimed dramatically as she cocked an eyebrow as my hand still lay over her mouth. “Don’t say it so loudly!”

Caitlin smirked as I took my hand off her mouth, “I didn’t realize I said it that loud.” She said looking at me, “Why don’t you want anyone else to know? I’m sure all the boys know since they saw you two, and I’m sure they told the family. So… pretty much, I’m sure everyone knows.” She said as I groaned.

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