{Chapter 13} Firewhisky

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter Characters, except for my own: Marley, Clary, Matt, Max yada yada :)

Chapter 13: Firewhisky

            My head lay on the bar counter, as I looked at the slightly spinning world around me. I didn’t understand, why did I feel like utter crap after two small drinks of Firewhisky? “Miss are you alright?” I heard the bartender ask me as my head shot up to look at the man; my eyes widened slightly noticing there was two of him.

“Hey!” I yelled loudly, “When did you have a twin!?” I asked as my words slurred. The man looked at me questionably as I grinned goofily at him. “You know… I just wanted to have fun at this wedding, but for some reason I’m really sad.” I said quietly as the bartender just stared at me.

“Miss, do you need some help? I think you may be drunk…” he said quietly as I shook my head rapidly.

“No, no, no. Marley does not get drunk! Marley is a good girl.” I said in a childish voice as I looked at the empty glass in front of me. “Hey…. What happened to all the liquid?” I asked no one in particular as I looked at the empty glass, it was mysteriously empty. “That’s strange, I swear there was some liquid in here a second ago!” I yelled disbelieving. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, as my head immediately whipped around to come face to face with a handsome blonde. “Mattie! You’re here!”

Matt looked at me as he arched an eyebrow at me, “Marley…? Are you….drunk?” he asked disbelievingly as he looked down at me. I grinned.

“Of course not silly!” I exclaimed punching his shoulder, “Marley does not get drunk.”

Matt gave the bartender a cold, hard look, and the man nodded. “How many did she have?” Matt asked curiously as the man sighed.

“Only two.” He said as the corners of Matt’s lips twitched upwards.

“You only drank two drinks and you’re already like this?” Matt asked staring down at me as I looked at him curiously.

“What are you talking about Mattie?!” I exclaimed as Matt laughed plopping down on the seat next to me.

“Man Marley, you really are a lightweight.” Matt sighed as he stared down at me, “Marley, why did you drink? From what I know about you, you don’t seem like the type to drink.”

I frowned slightly, hazily remembering the image I saw with Fred and Verity as I stared down at the empty cup. Why did I feel like utter crap?! “Because…. Fred’s an arse.”

Matt laughed, “What did the arse do?”

I sent a frown towards Matt, “I don’t know… he’s just an arse! Because he makes me feel like this!” I exclaimed feeling the tears pricking at my eyes.

“Marley…” Matt sighed looking at me as he placed a strand of hair that had fallen on my face behind my ear. “You really need to realize that maybe, you might like the arse?”

I frowned, “I do not like him! If Fred and Verity get married so be it! Good for them, they deserve each other!” I exclaimed flushed, I knew my face was probably bright red from the liquor and I didn’t feel like myself either.

“Marley, you know you don’t mean that.”

“Yes I do. Verity is a cold prick, and if Fred goes for those types of girls then so be it!” I exclaimed as I stared at Matt, he was handsome and friendly.

“Come on, we really should get you somewhere where you can relax.” Matt said standing up as he looked down at me. I shook my head.

“No!” I whined, “I want to stay here and dance!” I exclaimed as Matt cocked an eyebrow at me.

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