{Chapter 8} Pillows, they really do work!

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Disclaimer: Do not own any harry potter characters.


Chapter 8: Pillows, they really do work!


            “HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? ARE YOU COMPLETELY MENTAL?!” Caitlin yelled at me as I sat on her, and George’s bed taking the lecture. I was told I was suppose to come over to Fred, George and Caitlin’s apartment above the joke shop, because Caitlin needed to talk to me. I knew she probably would want to talk to me about what happened between Verity, Fred and I. It has been a week actually since that incident, so I was sort of surprised that it took her this long for her to figure something was up, well she did when she realized Fred was sort of giving me the cold shoulder and I was doing the same. Well she had forced me to come over and spill my guts out about what happened that week, well when I did, let’s just say she was not the happy, bubbly, random girl I knew. “I mean seriously Marley! How could you let her do that to you!? And why in the world say you were going with Matt?!” she yelled glaring at me, like a mother did with her child. I sighed.

“I’m not sure why I told them I was going with Matt…. It was just the thought of Fred and Verity going together, and the fact that Fred didn’t object really to the idea that I think drove me to say it.” I said with a sigh, I was such a girl.

“I can not believe you.” She said shaking her in a disapproval matter. “If you would have just said something! I mean Fred is not the most brilliant man on the planet! Bloody hell, he doesn’t really know a lot about girls and feelings! How can you expect him to know that you wanted to go with him to the wedding?” Caitlin said as I sighed again.

“I know… it’s just… I didn’t want to give Verity the satisfaction of seeing me jealous or upset. So I just blurted it out…” I said, “And its not like I really wanted to go with Fred, I mean it would have been nice, but I’m sure I’ll have just as much as a good time with Matt.” I said trying to get off the subject as Caitlin glared at me.

“Oh no, I know what you’re trying to do. I know you wanted to go with Fred, and the next time I see that Verity I am going to slap the daylight out of her!” Caitlin seethed.

“No!” I yelled as she cocked an eyebrow at me. “Don’t do that.”

“Why not?” she asked curiously, “She deserves it for what she’s done, bloody hell she deserves to be fired! You need to tell Fred the truth about that…. bi-“

“Caitlin!” I yelled as she sighed.

“Sorry, but it’s the truth. She irks me.” She said as her left eye twitched, it only twitched when she was really mad.

“She irks me too… and trusts me, I wanted to slap her that day in the joke shop just as much as you do, but Clary was with me and I had to keep a calm head. I am not about to give that girl the satisfaction of seeing me upset over what she’s done.” I said as Caitlin rolled her eyes.

“You can do that, but I want to punch the girl.” She said as I smiled slightly.

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