{Chapter 3} Tommy's an Arse

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter characters.


Chapter 3: Tommy’s an Arse!


            I hurried around the small apartment, how were we possibly going to go to the Joke Shop before going to the Leaky Cauldron and not being late? “Clary are you almost ready yet?!” I exclaimed as I ran down the hall and back into my room, with one shoe on and the other barefoot, where was my other shoe?!

“Almost mommy!” she exclaimed from her bedroom, Clary and I, well mostly I was invited to go to Tom’s son 21st birthday today at the leaky cauldron, I told him I didn’t want to go, but boy was that Tom persistent, plus he told me he’d give me a raise. I didn’t even know the boy, I think I might have met him once, but I think it was very brief. But Tom really wanted me to go, he didn’t want me to bring Clary however, because he said he was afraid she would be too much of a handful. Well, I’m not about to leave Clary with someone else, I never did that. Clary and I was always together, you either get the whole package or nothing. I could have probably left her with the twins, she actually wanted that more than going to the small party, but to tell you the truth I needed her there with me so I could have an excuse to leave early.

Well Clary only agreed to go if we could go to the Weasley Twin’s Joke Shop first… Of course I agreed, but if we didn’t leave soon we would be very late going to the party. I was wearing a simple, yet somewhat formal dress with brown boots, and my black beanie. I looked at myself once over in the mirror making sure I was looking alright, I did look nice. Nice enough for at least going to a birthday party for my boss’ son, my hair was lightly curly as usual as it hung lightly above my shoulders, with my sky blue eyes seeming somewhat bigger with the light eyeliner and mascara I did. I smiled and then ran in the hallway grabbing my purse, and then running back to Clary’s room. “Clary we really have to go if you want to go see Fred and George!” I called from behind the door.

I then saw the door open abruptly showing a smiling Clary. My eyes widened, well she didn’t look bad or anything, but different. The simple light blue dress and jean jacket went well, but it was the hat and shoes that really drew my attention. Her hat was a long bright blue knit hat with strings that were probably longer then her body, and it had these huge eyes and a tiny mouth embroider on it. And then the shoes…. Well they were very pink flats. “Ready mommy!” Clary beamed as her curly strawberry hair bounced underneath her goofy hat.

“Are… are you wearing that?” I asked still unsure of really what to say, I must say she made a statement while looking cute. She grinned.

“Hmm mm.” she nodded as I sighed and smiled down at my little girl. “Don’t I look okay?”

“You look fantastic!” I exclaimed looking down at Clary, she grinned. “I better keep a close eye on you while we’re at the party, or else all the boys are going to snatch you up.”

“Ew boys are yucky!” she exclaimed with a disgruntled frown, I smiled.

“I hope you remember that when you’re older.” I said with a grin.

“Anyways mommy, I’m going to marry Freddie, and date Maxey.” Clary announced as I arched my eyebrow at the little girl, who was Max again. I racked my brain until finally I remembered he was one of the people in the hospital when I woke up that day, right… I haven’t seen him or his girlfriend since then…

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