{Chapter 4} Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter Characters.


Chapter 4: Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes!


            I basically jumped out of bed this morning when I woke up with a wide grin spread across my face. Only one thing constantly ringing through my thoughts, Marley would be working here today and everyday! Bloody hell did that make me happy.

I walked out of my small room as I started to make my way to the shower, the sound of laughter coming from George’s room not even fazing me. I walked into the shower and took a quick shower and once I was all dressed in my business attire I walked out towards the small kitchen/dinning/living area. I grinned as I looked at my twin and Caitlin sitting down enjoying some breakfast. “Good Morning!” I exclaimed chirpily.

They both gave me an odd look as they looked at me. “You’re in a good mood today.” Caitlin stated as she raised an eyebrow at me.

“It’s because today Marley starts work today.” George stated with a smirk as he looked at his fiancé. She smiled widely.

“Oh I didn’t know that was today!” Caitlin exclaimed somewhat astonished. “Shoot if I would have known I would have rescheduled the meeting at Durmstrang today to watch.” She pouted as I rolled my eyes, but George just gave her a goofy look.

“Why would you want to watch? She’s just starting work.” I stated nonchalantly, even though every fiber in my being was jumping for joy, I swear I think I was the happiest man alive! I reached down and grabbed some of this breakfast casserole Caitlin made, that one thing that I enjoyed of having Caitlin here. She would cook for us, mostly George, but she always made extras!

Caitlin smirked as she responded to my question, “Because I would have loved to watch how you try to win her attention today, especially since you now have all day to do it.” George started to laugh as I glared at the cheeky brunette sitting across from me at the kitchen table.

“I do not try to win her attention.” I seethed through my teeth as both George and Caitlin rolled their eyes.

“Oh please.” Caitlin replied with a wave of her hand, as if trying to shoo my last statement away.

“I have to agree with Caitlin here Fred. You do always have your ways to grab Marley’s attention. You’re sort of like a little kid trying to get her attention.” George replied with a grin.

“That’s not fair!” I whined childishly. “You’re only siding with her because you’re her snogging partner!” And that was a reason why I didn’t like having Caitlin here…. George would always side with her when we were in a debate; just because she was his fiancé… ah curse those feminine qualities!

“Ah well that may be true…” George replied scratching the back of his neck. “I do love a good snog now and again.”

“Well either way, I have a feeling this day will be interesting.” Caitlin said with a grin. “Just this time, try to make some progress rather then asking her when her birthday is.”

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