{Chapter 19} Someday

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter Characters :)


Chapter 19: Someday

            “Fred….” I heard George’s voice call from the stairs as I continued to stare out the shop’s store. It was Monday morning, today was the day I would be leaving for America… I sighed as I stared out at the rainy weather, it had been raining all day, it almost seemed like the world was crying… I shook the thought from my mind. “You could wait a little longer Fred.”

“No… I’ve waited long enough.” I replied unemotionally, I had to do this. Of course I didn’t want to, but I had to. I had to move on, because Marley had chosen what she wanted. “Look, Marley decided what she wants, its just not the same like it use to be.” I said to my brother, though I had hoped, that she might have come to the shop to stop me from leaving, but then again it was pretty far out there…

“But she could change her mind, she might be coming right now, Caitlin said she would come back with Marley and she’s not back yet, so that must mean – “

I placed my hand on George’s shoulder, stopping him in mid rant. “George,” I said with a sigh “You’re my brother, and you care, but this is something I have to do. Now I have to go, I have to go to the muggle airport and leave from there. So wish me luck.” I said with an eerily grin. George sighed as he looked up at me, with those eyes that always showed sorrow when he would look at me nowadays. He cared, but this was just something I had to do. I had to at least try to forget about Marley. I pulled my twin brother into a hug looking at him one more time and patting him on the shoulder before turning and leaving with my bag slung over my shoulder. “Make sure to take care of the shop… and you never know, maybe one day when I come back I’ll be married.” I replied, something in my chest squeezed the thought of having someone besides Marley and Clary by my side made something in me hurt… “Just… please take care of them for me.”

George looked at me; his face looked so tired staring at me as he ran his hand through his hair. “You know I will Fred… but it isn’t going to be the same.”

I gave a small smile, “Yeah… I know.” And with that I left out the door and headed down Diagon Alley towards the muggle airport. No it would never be the same again, but this was something I had to do to move on wasn’t it? I mean… its not like I can continue to stay here and just watch Marley from the difference can I?

I laid there underneath all the covers, crying. Everything in me hurt, everything in me was crying, even the world around me was crying, with the rain falling down, and hitting my window constantly. Fred’s voice still ringing through my head as if he was right next to me… “I love you! I’ve always loved you Marley! ... It’s torture!” Those words playing over and over in my head like a broken tape recorder. I tried to block them out, I tried so much, anything that was possible I tried, but nothing stopped them. And it hurt; it hurt to listen to it over and over again. Because I knew it was true, and it was true for me.

I had remembered everything between Fred and me, what’s happened between us since the last year, but I didn’t want to believe it at the same time. I mean, how could I forget about Fred? The one that I loved and risked my life for. I was being pathetic and stupid, but there was no way I could face him. He had been through so much; he’s been near me and yet said nothing until now, because he knew how I would react… And he still loved me, he deserved better than me.

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now