{Chapter 11} A Chaotic Dinner

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter Characters, belong to J.K. while Caitlin goes to IAmFred. Everyone else is mine! :D

Chapter 11: A Chaotic Dinner

            “Why do I have to go to the dinner?!” I exclaimed wide eyed as I stared at Caitlin who was looking through her closet in Fred and George’s room.

“Because I am not about to face that woman alone.” Caitlin said as she shot me a look, I arched an eyebrow.

“I don’t see why not? She’s your mother, and the whole Weasley family will be at dinner.” I stated as Caitlin smiled.

“And that’s exactly why you have to be there as well. I mean don’t you want to see Bill, Fleur and Charlie?” she asked as I sighed.

“I’ll have plenty time to see them… I just don’t see why I have to be at the dinner with your mother.” I stated flopping down on Fred’s bed. Last time I saw Caitlin’s mother she told me I dressed poorly and told me to leave. “Your mother practically hates me.” I stated as Caitlin rolled her eyes.

“She doesn’t hate you, she hates your parents.” She said as I rolled my eyes. “Anyways, she’ll like you better since you’re older.” She said as I sighed.

“Oh yeah that’s going to make a difference. I don’t even know what I’ll wear.” I said looking at Caitlin. “What are you wearing?”

“An atrocious dress my mother sent me just for this occasion.” Caitlin said as she finally found what she was looking for in the closet and pulled out a very flowery dress. I mean it wasn’t bad necessarily; it was a flowery spaghetti strapped dress with a small belt around the waist. The reason being is, it was completely not Caitlin’s style; she was not a fan of dresses or flowery things.

“So you’re wearing that?” I asked as Caitlin groaned.

“Yes! Isn’t it horrid? I mean at least you have a choice on what you will be wearing. I don’t.” Caitlin said as I smiled slightly, well that helped a little.

“Fine, I’ll be at dinner tonight.” I said as Caitlin grinned.

“I knew you would see it my way.” She said as I rolled my eyes standing up.

“Are you wearing heels as well?” I asked as Caitlin looked at me like I was crazy.

“Are you mental? If that woman even thinks that I would wear heels then she is mental, its converse all the way baby.” Caitlin said as I smiled.

“Alright then, I’ll go get ready.” I said as I walked out of her room, bumping into the twins in the process.

“Why hello Miss Riddle.” I heard a familiar voice call out as I looked up and locked eyes with Fred Weasley, a blush crossed my cheeks.

“Hello Fred, George.” I said nodding towards George who grinned.

“Is my fiancé in there?” he asked as I nodded with a smile.

“Yes, she’s forcing me to attend the dinner you know.” I said as George grinned.

“Yes, well she’s doing that to everyone.” George said with a sigh before walking into the room as I looked up to see Fred grinning down at me.

“What?” I asked as he smiled.

“Oh nothing,” he said lightly rolling on the balls of his heels. “Need a hug?” he asked opening his arms as I felt the blush heighten on my face as an image of me crying in Fred’s arms a few days ago appeared in my head.

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