{Chapter 17} Birthday Date

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter characters or stuff J.K. ROwling invented in her books! :)


Chapter 17: Birthday Night


            I stared at the beautiful brunette standing behind the counter in Weasley Wizard Wheeze’s joke shop, her curly locks falling perfectly around her face, framing it with such delicate movements. Her crystal blue eyes embedded on the face in front of her, a customer, probably a student from Hogwarts, who know, her smile entrancing, everything about her was welcoming and beautiful. I smiled as I looked at her, I loved to watch her, if I weren’t so selfish I would be just satisfied watching her, but I wasn’t.

I frowned at the thought of going to America. I, honestly, didn’t want to leave, I didn’t want to leave my family, my twin brother, the shop, Clary…. Or Marley. But it felt as if I had no choice, Marley seemed like she would not remember, whatever happened to her that time in the forest, really affecting her and was blocking me from her memory. Or maybe she was blocking them herself; maybe she didn’t want to remember me. I shook the thought from my mind; it was never good to think like that.

I tried to place a smile back on my face; I couldn’t have people thinking I was upset about this. Mum, George, Caitlin and everyone else were already upset with me over this decision, but what they don’t understand is I have no choice. If I go, maybe then… over time I will be able to forget Marley, like she has me. It was torture, seeing her everyday without kissing her, or telling her I loved her. It was pure torture. But soon that would all be over, I would be leaving to New York soon, and I would be able to get all these….longing feelings away from me once and for all. I figured the farther I went, the easier it would be to forget about Marley, but that doesn’t mean I am giving up just yet. If she tells me she doesn’t want me to leave before I go, I will not leave her, but so far it does not seem like that would be happening soon. It has already been three weeks since I told her, and she still says I should do what I want to do…. She was not affected by it whatsoever.

I sighed, this would probably be easier if George or even that Caitlin were here, at least they’d give me some positive input, but they were still on their honeymoon. They were actually coming back tomorrow, if I recall, they even mentioned they had a surprise. I sighed again, as I looked at Marley and felt a smile make its way on my face, if I remember correctly she was twenty today. I smirked, time to go embarrass Marley.

“Hello everyone!” I called out from the stairs and immediately everyone turned their attention towards me, even Marley looked at me curiously as I winked at her. “How is everyone doing today?”

Most people in the joke shop looked at me curiously but some replied with a “fine” or an “okay” or even a “terrible”. But either way they looked at me questioning. “Well, that’s amazing! Now I have an announcement to make, as you all know today is June thirty-first, and it is a very special day today.” I said with a smirk as I glanced over at Marley to see her glaring at me, she knew what I was going to say, and her face showed me what she would say when I said what I was going to say. She was going to be upset. “Today is Marley’s birthday!” I announced pointing a finger at Marley, who immediately turned beet red as everyone’s attention turned towards Marley, “She is twenty today! Let’s all sing happy birthday to her!” I yelled as everyone smiled, laughed and then I started to break out in song. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.” I said as everyone starting to sing with me.

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