{Chapter 9} The Weasley Rememberance

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Disclaimer: I do not own harry potter characters. Only my own! :)

Chapter 9: The Weasley Remembrance

            I ran back in my room frantically as I stuffed some more clothes in my already full suitcase. “Bloody hell… I really need a bigger suitcase.” I said to myself as I tried to close my suitcase, but it wasn’t closing with all the clothes trapped inside. I was already running somewhat late, I was suppose to meet Caitlin, Fred and George at the joke shop about 20 minutes ago so they could apparate Clary and I to the burrow. Where we would be staying until after the wedding, I sighed, I was never good in being at places on time. “Clary, sweetie can you come in here!” I yelled from my room as I tried closing my suitcase while sitting on it. I didn’t exactly know what I was supposed to pack, so it felt like I had packed my whole closet in the case. Clary walked in as I cocked an eyebrow at my little girl.

I had braided her curly hair into two small braids earlier, but other than that I told her to get ready herself. She was wearing a denim jacket over her yellow polka dotted dress, what really surprised me was her shoes; they were pink rubber rain boots with flowery designs on them. I tried to stifle a laugh from escaping my mouth as I looked at the small girl, she always seem to have everything alright except for the shoes. “Yes mommy?” Clary asked innocently as she smiled at me.

“Um Clary, why are you wearing rain boots? It’s not raining?” I asked with a smile as Clary grinned.

“They’re pink and cute!” she exclaimed as I shook my head at my daughter, she had such an interesting fashion sense.

“Well alrighty then.” I said with a smile. “Well bring those cute pink rain boots of yours and come sit on mommy’s suitcase.” I said motioning her to come over here as she nodded and skipped over to where I was, she then climbed onto the gigantic suitcase next to me as she sat on it.

“Like this mommy?” she asked as she sat on the suitcase, her feet hanging above the ground, I smiled.

“Exactly, now on the count of three I want you to bounce on the suitcase, while I try to close it.” I said as Clary nodded enthusiastically.

“Alright mommy!” she announced as I smiled.

“Okay, ready. One, two, three!” I yelled as we both bounced on the suitcase, and I immediately grabbed the zipper and zipped up the suitcase all the way once it was flat. I smiled at a job well done as Clary grinned.

“Did we do it?” she asked curiously as I grinned.

“Of course! Us and our big fat butts!” I announced as Clary giggled.

“Mommy has a big butt!” she announced as I laughed.

“Well so do you missy!” I announced as I ticked her as Clary started laughing.

“Nope mommy is bubbly!” she announced as I shook my head.

“You’re so cruel.” I said with mock hurt as Clary laughed.

“I’m just joking mommy.” Clary said hugging me as I smiled and placed an arm around my little girl, “Mommy is pwetty.”

“Thank you Clary, and you little missy,” I said looking down at her, “You are absolutely adorable.” I said lightly and tapped her nose as she grinned. “Now is your suitcase packed young lady?” I asked as she nodded.

“Yup! Clary is a good girl and gets ready when mommy wants her to be!” Clary announced as I smiled, “Mommy is the one that’s always late.”

I rolled my eyes, “Well we all can’t be on time like you little missy.” I said as Clary beamed, we then heard a knock at the door as Clary and I immediately stood up and I walked to the door and saw Fred standing in the doorway.

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now