Chapter 10

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I imagine Joseph as Joe Mantegna aka David Russo in criminal minds

Please sensitive souls, be aware, there's violence/blood for the next chapters.

We were now Friday morning and Layla didn't have to work. Sebastian promised her to pick her up when he'll be finished so she waited with Loren. She helped her with the cleaning and helped with the food for both of them.

When Loren left, she poured herself a coffee with the almond milk and the caramel syrup. Sebastian should be there at any moment.

She had so much fun with him when she spent the three last days there. She texted her grandparents everyday in the morning and in the night to tell them she was okay, they didn't need to worry about her.


The time passed slowly and Sebastian was supposed to be there since ten minutes already. They planned to walk all over the Times Square until it became dark outside. Yes... just as friends. Both of them were too busy anyway to date anyone.

"There you are little bitch!" A voice yelled as steps were coming closer.

She got scared and dropped her café on the floor as she let out a scream of fear. How did he find her? This fat ugly pork. He walked dangerously fast to Layla and slapped her on her angelic face. So hard it made bleed her lower lip. Her head turned on a 90 degrees angle and held her tears.

He took her by her shoulders and pushed her violently on the wall. He had so much rage in him. He punched her in the face first and in her abdomen making her flinch. Seeing the opportunity, he kicked her in her stomach cutting her breath with his knee. After, he attacked her beautiful face with his boot.

She tried to scream help, but he pushed her completely on the floor and choked her with his steel boot to make her silent. He was about to kill her. He was lucky Sebastian wasn't there to throw him off the stairs like a vulgar object.

Joseph continued to punch her in the face. Again and again. She was now unrecognizable with all the blood. He took her by her hair and knocked her on the corner of the marble table. The sound it made. He loved it. It was satisfying to hear. He did it five other times to be sure she was unconscious. A lot of blood was on the corner of her left side of the head.

It was his first warning to Sebastian. The next one, it would drive him crazy. Joseph already prepared how and where.

He made sure Sebastian wasn't coming home when he left to find her. He wanted him to see the surprise. His little angel full of blood dying on the white carpet.

Layla had few broken ribs. But who knew? Nobody was there. Her heartbeat was slow and her breathing was... she wasn't breathing, she was trying to breath.

Only five minutes.

Five minutes after Sebastian was there. "I'm sorry, I'm late doll. It was a crazy meeting." But no response. "Doll?" He tried again.

Still nothing. He moved to the kitchen and she wasn't there. The first living room? Neither. It's only when he saw blood on the floor he got directed to her. Just few drops, but enough to see it started to the door and went to the second floor.

Who could to that?

His sweet little sweetheart was unconscious on the floor. She looked miserable. Blood all over her face. He ran to her to see if she was dead. But she wasn't. Layla needed to go to the hospital and right now.

He took her like a princess and put her in the backseat of his SUV. He drove way over the limits. Not even after five minutes he was there, almost screaming at the nurses. He was scared. It was his fault. He wasn't there to protect her.

"Layla Hardin. 23 years old. Her blood type is AB negative. She was beaten almost to death and I think she has few broken bones."

"Thanks sir. Now I need you to wait here."

He wanted to protest but the paparazzis were there. How did they know? He didn't care for the moment. He only wanted to say sorry to her and after he would take care of them.

In the operation room, they were all surprised by the damages. Ten broken ribs. It was almost the half of the rib cage.


The operation was longer than expected but she was now fine. They said it to Sebastian who fell asleep on the couch in the waiting room.

"Is there any family we could reach to tell them?"

"I'll do it. Thanks." He took his phone and called Mary. Deep breath. "Hi Mary. It's Sebastian. I was Layla's date couple weeks ago."

"Hi Sebastian! How are you?"

"I could be better... I need to tell you something, it's about Layla."

"Is she alright?"

"No... someone broke into my house and hurt her while I was gone. We are at the hospital right now and she's resting. Do you think you can come?"

"Y-yes, of course."

He said this like if he wasn't touched. He didn't want to look vulnerable on the phone. He hung up and went to her room to see her.

Damn it... he wished he could give her a big hug and say sorry. He took her hand and kissed it. He almost cried.

"Sebastian? What happened to my little blossom?" A little voice said as the door was opened.

"I-I don't know. I left early this morning for a meeting and I was supposed to pick her to pass the day in the Times Square, but I was late and-" he took a deep breath again.

"It's not your fault dear. It's this asshole's fault who did this to our little girl." Eric said.

Mary hugged him. She cried and her husband too. Only Sebastian didn't. He didn't want to cry even less in front of people.

He left them to go to his house. There was clearly something about the guy or the woman who did this. But he found nothing except a ring.

A ring.

He knew this ring. He saw it on Joseph. It was his wedding ring. Joseph was dead. He was a dead man.

He broke her bones and Sebastian would break his neck. He didn't need his gun or any weapon. Only his hands would do the job. He left and went to the Starbucks to talk to Kendra. He will beat her husband's ass. He won't be missed, he thought.

"Where's your husband?"

"I don't know... everything's fine sir?"

"No. He beat Layla and she's at the hospital."

"No... it's not possible."

"Explain why his ring was in my house and Layla beaten at the hospital?!" He said while he threw the ring on her.

She didn't know what to say. She never thought Joseph could be violent. She tried to call him but he didn't answer.

He disappeared.



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