Chapter 16

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"Did you send the video to Sebastian like I asked you yesterday?"

They were talking about what they should do to her when Joseph was wondering why Sebastian still hasn't called him.

"I forgot. I took too much fun to cutting her legs. I'm doing it now."

"Jeez, we suppose to only torture her before to kill her." Joseph took the phone and sent the video.

He had too much fun doing this. Seeing her freezing as hell, hungry, thirsty and tired... there was nothing fun to see. All the bruises and the cuts were deep red or brown/purple. And last night Danita punched her in the eye. Result: she had a black eye.

They mostly let her sleep outside. It was way funnier for them. But today... today they wanted to do something different. The iron stick was getting hotter and they were about to burn her. They were dying to see her reaction.

"Ooh, he's calling!" Danita said. "Hi, Sebastian." She answered on speaker.

"I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you. Every. Single. Piece. Of. Shit. Of. You."

"Oh, language, you little brat in front of your mother!"

"You have never been my mom, fucking bitch! I'm gonna track you until I find you and Layla and then I'm gonna do worst than what you did to her to all of you guys."

"I don't think she will be happy when I'll tell her what you can do."

"Go for it. I don't give a fuck."

"So you don't care that your girlfriend won't talk to you anymore?" Joseph sneered "thats a good joke. Anyway, listen to that."

Joseph took the stick and burned her in her ribs. Like if she didn't suffer enough at this place. It made her scream the martyr. And this scream, her grandparents heard it. They couldn't believe it. Their little girl was tortured and they weren't there to help her. We could hear Mary saying "my poor little blossom" in tears.

"Don't you dare to touch her ever again!" He coldly said with his teeth clenched. So clenched that they could break.

But they did it seven other times with her screaming and trying to take her breath. She tried to beg them to stop but it made it worst.

"It would be so much better if you would be here." Frank said happily. Way too happily. "How does it feel to not be there to protect the one you love?"

"Shut up before I make you."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, it's a promise." Sebastian said in a brutal way. "Anyway, we are in the west of the country and then, we come back in the east. I already looked everywhere in the east but it's free to look again no?" He lied.

They weren't in the west, they were still in Pennsylvania, but it made Joseph anxious. Yes, he knew the ceo would find him, but not that fast. He hung up and punched Layla so hard, she knocked her head on the tree and was now unconscious. Her head was a bit open in the back and we could see a little bit of blood. Why was Sebastian so obsessed with her? What did she do to him? Joseph didn't stop to ask these questions to himself.

Sebastian decided to change place and drove to Louisiana. 18 hours to drive. But he didn't care. He really wanted Layla to come back to him even if they weren't together. He missed to hear Layla talking about music and what she loved to do at the university. Hearing her singing when she was in the shower... he could hear her voice when he was looking after her in her house.

"You know where is my little girl or you said that to scare them?" Eric asked to him when they were alone.

"I don't want to give you hope, I'm sorry. I said that to scare him. I honestly don't know where she is." He combed his fingers in his hair angrily.

"We will find her! I'm optimistic about that. We will find her soon."

"I'm back with the food!" Mary almost scream from the outside of the car. "Okay, I showed a picture of Layla and they didn't see her, but they said they saw an old man that looked suspicious." She sat in the front.

"Okay, we are close. Did they saw where he drove?"

"No. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Mary. Let's eat while I drive okay? We will look absolutely everywhere. He's not far."

When they'll be in the middle of the Louisiana, they'll need to drive another 27 hours to find her. But the problem was Joseph drove a little bit everywhere with her in the car. He could take only the south of the country, but he decided to play yo-yo. He went up and down until Sebastian's fosters parents took her. So it wasn't sure people would recognize this asshole.

They drove, alternating the driver. He forgot how is was to have a "parental figure" around. Not that Loren wasn't like that, but it was different with them. He couldn't explain the feeling but he could tell it was different.

Eric put some music and started to sing, horribly shall we say. At least he made them laugh. With all this seriousness and worries, it was difficult to laugh.

They stopped driving after 15 hours to get a good sleep and they would continue in the morning.


This time, Mary woke up everyone. She cooked the breakfast and put it in a plate for everyone. Eggs, toasts, fruits, sausages and bacon. Where did she found time to make this? Plus, it was ridiculously tasty. She even made muffins. Layla's favourite flavour. She only made these when Layla had a bad day, but today, she wanted him to taste it.

"It's French-toast flavour but I added cinnamon and maple syrup in them. It's not everyone who does it."

"It's delicious! It's amazing, Mary." He looked at Mary and squinted his eyes "but when she had a bad day, it was when she was working at the Starbucks?"

"Yeah, and when it wasn't a good day, you know... not bad, but not good, I made a churro pull-apart muffin to lighten her evening. Oh she also loves pumping cheesecake muffin! She-she..." Mary's eyes started to water thinking about her.

"She loves muffins?"

"A lot. She could eat this twenty four hours on twenty four. God, I miss her so much." She cried.


At 27 hours away, Layla was horrified. She had the iron stick mark everywhere on her body. Mostly on her belly. They gave her a small piece of one centimetre of bread and one sip of water. It was a lot from them. They planned to let her starve for the next couple days. Today, she needed strength to be able to support two cocks and whatever the woman wanted to do to her.

Joseph would start in her ass and Frank in her vagina. They would change place at the next round.

She tried to move away but she wasn't strong anymore. She was weak. Weak because of them. They took her from everything she could have and she still didn't have the answer of why.


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