Chapter 17

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A week has passed since they tried to rape her with a "threesome".

And they did it when they wanted to fuck so almost four at five times a day. They were extremely horny and rough with her. It was intolerable. Everything inside her hurt like if they were burning her... she wanted to puke, she had bad cramps. Nothing good. They were killing her little by little. They choked her so hard -and burned her- that she had a bad and dark mark on her neck.

Sebastian was getting close to Layla. In New Mexico. All the videos they were sending to him drove him more than crazy. Seeing her beaten, raped... it was too much. All the rage he had was transferred to a poor tree who didn't ask any kind of violence. His hands were bleeding so much that Mary needed to stop to a drugstore to buy a first aid package.

His reaction was quite cute. That was what she said. His puppy eyes when he said sorry were adorable. Sebastian really wanted to pay it back, but Eric refused categorically for him to give them any money about something useful for everyone.


Thirteen days... thirteen days they were looking for her. Thirteen days to see her being tortured. Thirteen days with fear in their abdomen. A cursed number.

19.2*C (66.6*F). It was little hotter than New York at this time. Perfect to look for her without freezing or melting.

Sebastian tried to avoid paparazzi and everything that was related to his job, but it was pretty difficult to do. Everyone was asking him if he was looking for a building to make another fancy club. It was like if they didn't saw the news. A 23 years old woman was missing somewhere in the US.

He showed a picture of Layla and a picture of his foster parents with Joseph, but it was like if they paid them to have the silence treatment. Nobody saw or heard about them. But like everyone knows, there's always one who knows everything but can't tell in front of people. And it was what happened there. A man, a little bit older than Sebastian.

"Hi, I don't know if you remember me but we met two weeks ago. I'm Matthew."

"Oh yeah, I remember now." He shook his hand. "Sorry if I didn't recognize you at first. With everything, my mind is somewhere else."

"No problem, I completely understand." Matthew looked around before looking back at Sebastian "I saw Joseph here. He looked anxious and didn't pay the gas. He left on the right and after the left."

"Thanks. But if I may, why are you here and not in New York?"

"I travel a little bit everywhere in the states for work. Listen, I consider Layla like my own daughter. I wish to find her as soon as possible to bring her home."

"I wish that too. Thanks a lot for the informations. It's really appreciated from you."

"Like I said, I consider her as my daughter. Bring her back home. Be safe."

"I will." They did another handshake.

But why he didn't come with them? He could be a great help. The only reason he saw it was because of people. They saw them chatting and it could be not good for Matthew.

Layla, her, was sleeping on the tree. She fell asleep when they were penetrating her. They kept her awake all night to satisfy their desires. And now, she needed to rest if she wanted to survive.

God, she forgot about Sebastian, her grandparents... about everything. Her mind was clear now, she was dying there, with these crackheads and nobody will ever find her at time. She stopped calculating the days after nine days of being tortured. She forgot the date, almost the year and she lost the track of time.

Her lips were dark blue/purple. She didn't feel them anymore. Like her toes and fingers. She was a real ice cube. The rest of her skin was light red. Layla was in hypothermia and they didn't care at all.

Her body was at 18*C (64.4*F). If they wouldn't warm her, she would die at anytime. The hypothermia was dangerous as hell. Her breathing was slow, her heart rate too. She wasn't able to talk to Sebastian when he called because it slowed her brain down. And obliviously, it made them laugh. Even more when she was confused about who was talking to the phone.

"Nah, sorry. Your sleeping beauty is currently unavailable. Bye-bye."

They were laughing louder. They loved doing that to him. It made him angrier, stressful, crazier... everything to make them be killed by him. He was more than ready to do worst to them. He prepared himself at the very beginning when he saw the way Joseph talked about Layla in the cafe.

Sebastian was able to break a goddamn tree. With all the punches he could give, we needed to watch out. It wasn't a promise that their face would still be on their neck.

He watched the video, without looking at Layla the most possible to see if something would pop up. Just a little clue to make them move.

Yes, they took the road Matthew gave him, but it wasn't enough. So while Mary was driving, he looked at the video, on the backseat, alone. They all concluded that she was in a forest, but which one? Sebastian was still trying to figure it out.

A little bit of snow, not much. It was probably around -9*C. He watched over and over... he was about to close his phone because the battery was dying when he heard Frank saying Nevada. He replayed it to be sure at least five time. Nevada. It was what he really said.

"Mary, drive to Nevada, now. After I'll take care of it."

They finally had a clue. Maybe not clear, but it was better than nothing. Yes, the state was big, but it was worth it to look... right ? It didn't cost then anything at this point to look in another big state.

It didn't take too much time they were already in the state looking for her. All around the restaurants asking where were the forests.


After almost twelve hours, they asked help. The helicopters were looking, the dogs, all the officers. It was crazy how he could be scary when he asked for something. But nothing. The policemen said they would look everywhere until they find her. They will ask to the California's police officers to help them. To make it their first priority.

They finally had a chance to find her maybe alive. Mary and Eric had a chance to see their little blossom alive... he had a chance to see his girl. He was so happy to finally had a little something that he let a tear of happiness run down on his cheek.

Eric hugged him "You are incredible." He said in Sebastian's ear.

"Thanks to both of you."

Now, Joseph had nowhere to go. The forests were big and everyone were looking for him. He had nowhere to go. It was time to look per groups all the forests.


Hiii! Sorry if I didn't post earlier like I usually do but I had a little bit of difficulty to build this chapter.

BIG NOTE GUYS: all the informations about the hypothermia are actually true! I didn't invent anything about this and the consequences about it.

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