Chapter 1 - The offer

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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the bedside table. I picked it up and saw it was my best friend Josie.
"Hello?" I answered. Something must've gone wrong since she doesn't usually call before 9 AM.
"YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" She screamed into the phone, she didn't sound mad or disappointed she sounded happy.
"Jesus it's 8:23 in the morning and you're already screaming into my ear, this must be good. What's up?" I ask.
"So...remember my internet friend Laura?" She spoke. Laura was her internet friend she met over tiktkok a couple of months ago.
"Yes? I do" I answered.
"So basically, she phoned me a couple of minutes ago saying her sister needs to hire someone to look after her boyfriends' dog for a couple of weeks since she's touring and her boyfriend is busy with his line of work or something." She said. I don't know why she was telling me this, maybe she took the job.
"That's cool but why are you telling me this?" I asked curiously.
"I want you to take the job, you have the qualifications. You studied animals medicine or something" She said. What was she thinking? I couldn't possibly take the job I mean I already have a good job that I'm pretty chuffed with.
"I don't think so...I don't need two jobs," I said.
"You wouldn't have two jobs, you'd have one because this job is in LA. Plus I already signed you up and there's a high chance you'll get it" she spoke. I couldn't believe her right now, a job in LA? We live in Scotland for fucks sake, how was I supposed to afford to go to LA? Let alone staying there.

"Jo...I can't do that, you can't just sign me up for a job in another country! This is ridiculous." I said with disappointment.
"Okay hear me out. Laura told me the dog owner, the boyfriend, said if the person to look after his dog is qualified enough then he's willing to pay for travel and he's willing to let them stay in a guest bedroom if necessary. " She said, okay this wasn't sounding so bad after all. I mean a trip to LA? I always dreamed of that, to be honest. I love dogs too, I've always been a huge dog lover.
"Okay," I sighed. Josie squealed on the other line.
"You'll take it!?" She questioned.
"If I get there's a big chance that I'll get the job then yes" I spoke. I honestly couldn't believe what I was saying. This was going to be such a big change, god.
"Okay perfect! I gave Laura your number and she gave it to her sister, she said that her sister should call you tonight for a little interview. It will just be basic questions about you and your experience with animals you know." Jo spoke. Great. I am most definitely not stressed now.
"Alright, I'll keep a look on my phone today then," I spoke.  We chatted for a little bit until I had to get up or else I knew I wasn't going to leave the bed today.

When I got up I headed straight through into my kitchen. I live alone, no one just me. I used to live with my ex-boyfriend but I'd rather not talk about him now. My sister and brother occasionally visit tho. My parents, not so much. They're always on business trips and stuff, just busy with work. I decided to make my classic morning coffee and bowl of nice, warm, cinnamon oatmeal. I chopped up some banana and apple and put them on top. It was nice eating something warm since lately, it has been freezing balls up here in Scotland as if the weather wasn't already bad enough. I walked through into the living room and turned on the TV to watch some of The Office, I have watched that show about five times already but I can never get tired of it. Honestly, the only reason I kept watching it was probably because I had a fat ass crush on John Krasinski's character, Jim. I was on season 3 right now so I put on the episode and got lost in the dumb comedy show
So turns out I ended up watching the TV for longer than expected. Somehow I was on Season 4.....yes I have been sitting on my couch doing watching The Office for the past 3 hours. Oops.
I finally got up, placed my dirty and now dry oatmeal bowl into the sink, and went to take a shower. I only washed my body since I washed my hair yesterday morning,  it was a little greasy but I could spray some dry shampoo on that. After I showered I got changed into joggers and a hoodie, I quickly checked if I had any school work to do, luckily I did not so I was yet again back on the couch watching the office for pretty much the rest of the day.

Around 7 PM my phone started buzzing beside my leg. I looked at it to see an American number. Shit that must be Laura's sister. I cleared my throat and picked up.
"Hello? Is this Cora Logan?" A female voice spoke.
"Hello yes, this is Cora speaking" I answered, shit did I say too much.
"Hey, I'm Brandy, Laura's sister. I'm calling about the job? The dog?" She spoke. Brandy? That name sounded familiar.
"Oh my god yes hi," I said.
"So I received a little file about your qualification that Laura got from your friend and it seems like you're pretty much the only person who's got all of the needed qualities plus more," She said. Wow was I about to get the job?
"I really think you'd suit the job Cora, I mean your CV is pretty good and from what Laura told me, you seem like a cool and chill person. That is just what we need." She continued.
"Wow well uh does this mean I got the job?" I ask.
"Well I spoke with my boyfriend and he said he'd prefer to speak to you himself since it's his dog. He said he would call you later tonight so maybe in the next hour or so" She chuckled slightly.
"Oh alright well I just want to thank you for the opportunity, I'm very happy that I got to hear from you" I spoke.
"Yeah well we only had 2 people who we wanted to look after the dog but then Laura sent me your details and everything and I was honestly shocked to see all your qualities," She said politely.
"Oh well thank you, I studied hard to get them to be honest. I just wanted to ask about the whole travel situation since I live in Scotland I know that the job is in LA" I asked.
"Yes that will get sorted once my boyfriend speaks to you, I am pretty sure we will be able to pay for your travels and you will be able to stay in the house, in the guest bedroom unless you have a different place to stay in mind" She spoke.
"Oh no I actually don't have anything in mind, I'd be happy to stay in the guest bedroom unless it causes any problems," I said.
"No, no problems. I'd be happy to have you staying with us since I'm away most of the time and you could take the dog out early and everything you know" She laughed a bit.
"Yeah well thank you so much again" I thanked her.
"No problem, I am very happy to have spoken with you, I must go now but I hope to speak again soon," She said.
"Okay me too! Bye" I said and she did too and then the call ended.

I can't believe I might actually get this job and go to LA. I just really hope I make a good impression when her boyfriend calls me. I still don't really know who her boyfriend is or who she is really, it's all been pretty secretive so far. I really hope I get to know more soon.
I faced my TV and continued to watch The Office until I ended up drifting off to sleep.

I woke up around 2 AM to my phone buzzing. It was an unknown number. Who the hell was phoning me at 2 AM? That's when I remembered. The job and the time zones.

"Hello?" I picked, my voice was a bit dead from the sleep.
"Hello? Is this Cora? I'm Calum, the dog owner" A deep Aussie voice spoke.

Oh. My. God.


Pls I'm sorry if this baddd aghh i swear next chapter will be better. Also this is my first book so pls be patient with me lols

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