Chapter 24 - Rock it tonight

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The next few weeks of tour flew by so fucking fast. The amount of time Calum and I spent together was endless. We went on a couple coffee dates eventually he took me to a couple of restaurants on their days off. We even went hiking one day , we went even swimming in London and then went to a couple of museums. We explored many cities together, made out in many pub bathrooms, got drunk at many pubs and spent many nights in many different hotels.
We were always together. We never got on each others nerves even though yes, sometimes we would argue but that's what every relationship has to go through to stay healthy I think. I loved being with him , he brought me comfort and happiness. I hope I did the same for him.

Often at shows Calum would decide a song or two to me, it was sweetest thing ever. The fans would go crazy in awe. I would most likely cry, good cry. Even though he would do it almost every show, it would still bring out my tears. Hearing him sing those songs , hearing the way he meant those words, the way he sang, everything about it was beautiful. 
Whenever the boys did interviews there would always be that awkward 'girlfriend' question. For the first couple of interviews Calum would try his best to avoid it or skip it. That was when our first argument happened, I understood he was nervous to admit the truth because he knew I would get affected by the fans. I didn't really care to be honest, I was pretty good at ignoring the hate. After a couple interviews he eventually spoke about us. He spoke about me. He only spoke good things.  At one interview he even said the whole story of how we met, he kept out the whole Brandy part out though. I was glad. I really didn't want to think about what happened between us at first. All I cared about was the 'us' that was now.

The paparazzi never left us alone. It was annoying and frustrating for Calum but I assured him that I really didn't mind. He would get so defensive if they ever got too close to me. He would cuss the out or even at one point he pushed some dude that was shoving the camera in my face. It worried me a little how it would affect his career but the fans would always be on his side. The fans hated the paparazzi and it doesn't surprise me because sometimes the paps don't know what personal space or a private life is. It surprised me how defensive Calum would get though. I never expected him to that protective of me, of course I appreciated it but sometimes it scared me a little how angry he would get. He would cool off immediately as he'd see the worry on my face , assuring me that everything alright and that he calmed down.

Life was just hectic ever since I was on tour. I sadly drifted away from Josie a little bit. We went from talking everyday to talking like once or twice a week. She got a new job as a sales assistant so she was constantly busy. It made me a little sad but I was happy for her, she always wanted that job.
I wasn't so busy but there were days that I wouldn't have time to look at my phone because of all the travelling and I'd often help Calum write songs or critique lyrics or melodies the boys wrote. I wasn't a professional but the boys always wanted their girlfriends opinions.
They are currently working on a new album. They don't have a name or a cover yet but they have been writing like crazy.

Today was the last show of the tour. London.
I was currently watching the soundcheck. I sat right in front of Calum admiring his bass skills. He truly looked godly up on that stage playing guitar. He hair has grown out and its all curly and to be honest I really love it.
After a couple of songs , I was sitting in Calums changing room, helping him pick an outfit for tonight. He couldn't decide between a black t-shirt with a striped shirt under and baggy jeans with his checkered vans or a plain black t-shirt, black trousers , his black boots and a red shiny jacket.

"I can't choose fuck!" He was so frustrated. I stood up and kissed him, he eased up a little.
"Go with the red, red suits you" I said and took the red shiny jacket off the clothing rack.
"You sure?" He asked staring into my eyes for approval.
"Absolutely " I gave him a smile and sat back down on the sofa.
He took off his shirt and I couldn't help but notice how defined his abs recently became, him and Luke have been spending hours doing workouts whenever they had the time. His back muscles were looking better then ever right now too.
"Like what you see? Take a picture it'll last longer" He teased snapping me out of my train of thoughts.
"Oh shut up" I laughed covering my face with my hands, embarrassed.
He put the plain black shirt on , the black trousers and tucked in the shirt. He put his boots on and eventually the red shiny jacket. I walked up to him fixing his hair.

"I love it when you do my hair" He smiled closing his eyes, clearly enjoying the moment.
"I know, that's why I do it" I pushed the hair out of his eyes and made the sure the back looked alright.
"All done" I whispered and looked at him. He didn't say anything just stood there staring down at me. He eventually connected our lips. Our kiss was short but sweet
"You know I love you" He said as he pulled way.
"I know, I love you too" I smiled to myself.
Suddenly there was a bang a door on the door and a voice shouting alarming the boys that the show was to start in 10 minutes.
"Better get going" He said and pressed his lips together tight.
"Yeah you're gonna kill it out there tonight" I smiled and hugged him. He held me and squeezed me a little.
I grabbed one of his hoodies before we left the room putting it one. He smiled when he saw me walking beside him in his hoodie. It was his green hoodie, my favourite of course.
We walked backstage and I greeted the other boys wishing them good luck. They all thanked me with tight hugs. We all had a small chat before the manager came running to us letting us know that they'll be on stage in 20 seconds.

"This is it" Calum turned to me.
"You're gonna rock it" I laughed looking at him.
"I'll see you on stage" was all he said before he went on the stage. I stood there a little confused by what he meant 'on stage'.
I just let it slide and joined Crystal and Sierra at the best seats in the house.

Let the show begin.

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