Chapter 25 - Best Years

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The boys opened with Babylon , the fans seemed louder than ever. They were screaming the lyrics and dancing , having the time of their lives in the crowd.
Calum was really killing it with the vocals tonight. I'm guessing soundcheck really warmed up his voice more than usual today.
Half way through the set Calum took his jacket off and all the fans screamed like crazy. I looked at him just to see was he was staring at me. I laughed , a wide genuine smile spreading across my face. He grinned and gave me a wink.
I saw a couple fans turn around to see who he was looking at. When they saw me they squealed at waved at me. I politely waved back and I heard one girl scream "WE LOVE YOU CORA!" It was so cute. I appreciated the fans, except the ones that would send me hate and sometimes even death threats but I guess those are the consequences of dating someone famous.

The boys started playing the familiar tune of Best Years. The fans screamed yet again. This is the first time they played Best Years on the whole tour. I didn't even know they were going to play it. They sure as hell didn't soundcheck it. I looked at Calum just to see him already looking at me with a wide smile across his face just like mine.
Luke started singing the first verse, they all sang together in the chorus. I was surprised when all of sudden all the light switched off after the second verse. It was dark for a moment before a single white and red light shined where Calum was supposed to be standing. He came out by himself holding Lukes acoustic guitar. He started strumming the melody and slowly his gaze landed on me. He stepped forward to sing.

I'll give you the best years
I'll give you the best years
Past love burned out like a cigarette
I promise, darling, you won't regret
The best years
The best years
I'll give you the best years
I'll give you the best years
Past love burned out like a cigarette
I promise, darling, you won't regret
The best years
I'll give you the best years

He sang with that smooth , sweet and deep voice of his. Our eyes were connected the whole time he sang, he didn't look away, not even once.
After he finished singing, all of the lights turned back on , revealing the rest of the boys. Calum took the guitar off and stepped towards the mic yet again. I saw Sierra and Crystal look towards me.

"How do I start...this" Calum laughed into the mic, all the fans cheered.
"Cora could you please come down here, on the stage" He spoke and I froze with shock.
Sierra and Crystal forced me to stand up and led the way to the stage even though I knew how to get there myself.
I walked up the stairs onto the stage. Thousands of eyes were staring at me right now. I was nervous but I didn't want to look at the crowd because I knew I'd freak out if I did.

Calum walked over to me and placed his arm around my shoulders. We walked together back to the microphone.
"As you all know, this is my beautiful, sweet, incredible and talented girlfriend Cora!" He shouted my name and all the fans jumped , screamed and squealed. I laughed and buried my face into Calums chest out of embarrassment. He looked down at me and brushed his hand against my chin making sure I was okay. I nodded.
"Right. I thought this would be appropriate since it is the last show of the tour" He spoke into the microphone and I looked out into the crowd , everyone gasped.
Calum let go of me and stood right in front of me. He reached into his back pocket and took out a black box. Holy fucking shit, this isn't happening right now. Luke came over to us holding a mic in front of Calums mouth.

"Cora, Cora, my beautiful Cora. How do I start? These couple of months have been the best months of my life. This past year that I've known you has been the best. We have had our ups and downs. We have had our troubles and we've had obstacles in our ways. But yet here we are, happily together.
I don't know where I would be without you right now if I'm being honest. You make me a better man. You have made me into the man that I am today. You have seen the good and the bad sides of me. You have accepted me. You have been there for me when I needed you. You have helped me when I struggled, you told me to keep my head held high and I did. You have been everything to me and I want that to continue. I want you to be the girl I wake up next to everyday. I want to be with you as we grow old. I want to be with you through tough times. I want us to make good memories that will never be forgotten. I want us to spend endless time together doing the dumbest shit ever. I want us to write songs together. I want us to just always be together.
I want to be with you Cora. I want us to be together. Forever.
My beautiful Cora.
I love you so fucking much. I always have, always will. I promise you. I will always love you. I will love you to my fullest. I will love you until I can't love anymore. I love you. I fucking love you. You make me the happiest man on earth. love, will you marry me?" He spoke and got down on one knee. I was in tears. His speech had me in tears. I knew this is what I wanted. I couldn't believe that he just proposed to me, holy shit. He opened the box revealing a beautiful ring with a small green emerald on it. It was gorgeous.

"Yes Calum. I will marry you" I spoke and he slid the ring onto my finger. He stood up and I grabbed his face kissing him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, pressing our bodies together.
It felt like the time froze, it felt like it was just us and the world. I wanted to kiss him forever. In that moment I felt infinite, we both did.
Sadly we were snapped back into reality by the crowd screaming louder than ever.

The boys came running up to us and congratulating us. Then we all got into a group hug, even Sierra and Crystal came on stage.
"Im so happy for you!" Michael spoke.
"You guys are going to be the cutest old wrinkly couple ever" Ashton laughed.
"Congratulations Girlie" Luke spoke looking at with a smile on his face.
"I am so fucking happy for you guys!" Sierra cheered.
"Congratulations!! It was about time Calum got his shit straight" Crystal laughed as she hugged me and patted Calum on the back.

The guys went back to their mics and said their goodbyes. I was still basically glued to Calums side. They all waved until eventually everyone got off stage. I kept glancing at my hand to look at the ring to make myself sure that Calum really did just propose to me.

After the show we all went back to a hotel.
We were sitting at the bar celebrating. The boys said they weren't going to get too drunk but Ashton was already stumbling around.
Calum was the only one who wasn't drinking.
"Cora?" He asked me.
"Yes?" I turned my face to look at him. He looked so beautiful under the colourful lights.
"Will you move in with me back in LA?" He asked, I could see the hope in his eyes.
"I'd love to" I said and wrapped my arms around his neck . He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.
"I love you" He repeated those words over and over.
"I love you too" I smiled.
"Cora Hood...has a nice ring to it" He laughed and I put my hand up next to my face wiggling the finger that had the engagement ring on it.
"Yes Cora Hood has a ring" I burst out into hysterics , Calum tried not to laugh at my cringy joke but eventually he let out a wheeze.
"I'd hate you but I just can't " He teased.
"Yea you love me" I said and kissed him again.

"I do...I do love you so very much my beautiful soon to be wife"

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