Chapter 4 - The Journal.

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All of sudden I woke up on an unknown couch. I looked around not recognising the room, that's when I remembered where I was. Calum's house. I must've fallen asleep when Calum switched on the TV , I was so jet lagged and my lack of sleep wasn't completely helping. I was curled up to one side of the couch with Duke sleeping on top of my feet. I slowly moved my feet , careful not to wake Duke and stood up.
I saw that there was a note on the coffee table beside Calum's journal.

Hey you're probably awake since you're reading this.
Went out to dinner with Brandy , should be back around 9-10PM.
Please feed Duke , I set out all his food on the kitchen table,also you can let him out in the garden so he can do his business.
I made some Mac and Cheese while you were asleep to that's in the fridge for you to have , if you don't like m&c, I left some money on the counter so you can order pizza or anything you'd like.
I hope you find something to do around the house , feel free to watch TV or whatever.

I hope you'll be okay
Calum xx

I read his note. It was so sweet. He cooked Mac and Cheese for me? Now that is one of a kind gentleman. His girlfriend is so lucky.
I looked over at the journal beside the note and hesitated a little bit. I glided my hand over the top and felt the temptation to have a look inside. I was a nosey person but I knew I'd feel guilty if I read some of the pages. But in all honesty I couldn't resist the temptation.
I opened the journal somewhere in the middle just to see some lyrics that said :

Somewhere , somehow , somebody
will love you
like i never could do
because baby
i was never meant for you.

Woah deep Calum , deep. I tried myself to stop reading because I was really invading his privacy right now. But I couldn't. Some of the pages had lyrics Younblood songs lyrics and some were very similar to the sounds good feels good songs.
I flipped the pages to the most recent one. He was writing something earlier when I first sat down beside him and I am kinda dying to see what it was. My eyes skimmed over the page and I was quite to shocked to read what I saw.

The girl with the purple jacket
Her blonde hair
Her green eyes
Somehow struck my mind

And underneath it there was more.

When I first heard her voice
It sounded like the sweetest honey
Spending my money
To fly her over to me
I'd happily spend it all if I had no choice
When I first saw her
I felt the time stop
Somehow she's at the top
Top of my list now
Of things I need and want
I want her
I think I need her
I shouldn't but I somehow do.

I just sat there shocked, staring at the page. I could not believe what I just read. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the page. I needed to keep this. Everything about this felt so wrong.
I must admit it was quite strange of Calum to write that since he has a girlfriend but those words actually made me feel something for the first time in years. Ever since I broke up with my ex I haven't been the same. I guess you could say I lost most of my emotions.

Now I really wish I didn't open and read that journal.
After rethinking my entire existence I stood up and grabbed the note Calum wrote , folded it and placed in in my back jean pocket. I walked into the kitchen, indeed, to see Dukes food layed out on the counter with a  Scooby-doo dog bowl beside it. Cute.

I grabbed the dog meat packet,  mixed it in the bowl with some dry dog food and placed it on the floor. Duke soon came running through to eat.
I opened the fridge to see a box filled with Mac and Cheese saying :

For Cora :)

Another note to add to my back jeans pocket great. I grabbed the box and heated it up in the microwave. While I was waiting I grabbed a fork and sat up on the counter.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw three missed calls from my mother and sister. I'll call them back later. I haven't told my mum about leaving to LA but my sister knows , she even gave me some money for LA. She's 2 years younger than me and somehow makes way more money than me but it's probably because she owns a modelling agency with her boyfriend. She always dreamed about running her own business. I am very proud of her.

Soon I heard the microwave ping. I grabbed my food and went through into the living room again. I sat down and pulled a blanket over my legs, it was getting kinda cold to be honest but I had no idea how to turn on the heating so blanket it is.I put on Netflix and decided to watch The Office. Classic.
I demolished the whole container of Mac and Cheese. It was delicious. Not only was Calum extremely musically talented but this man can cook. Is there anything he can't do?
Duke soon joined me on the couch and sat in my lap. He was the cutest doggo I've ever seen , he was so fluffy and would start licking your hands if you didn't pet him.
After a couple more The Office episodes I decided to call it a night. I checked the time to see it was somehow already 9PM. Calum might be home soon.
I picked up Duke and headed through into my bedroom. I placed him at the end of the giant double king sized bed and covered him with a small blanket.
I chnaged into an oversized t-shirt and shorts. Usually I'd just sleep in my underwear and a shirt but I didn't think I'd be appropriate right now.
I plugged my charger into the wall and plugged in my phone, it was literally about to die.
I laid down and just stared at the ceiling for a little while. I honestly couldn't believe where I was right now. In LA taking care of my celebrity crush's dog. It is honestly so fucking crazy. And I just could not stop thinking about those lyrics. I mean they were obviously about me, I wish they weren't. Now all I'm gonna think about is Calum. I need this job. I have to keep this job. I must stay professional and not let my feelings get in the way, I just can't let it all go wrong.
With all these thoughts crawling inside my mind I somehow ended up drifting off to sleep.

I suddenly woke up to my door opening. I squinted my eyes and saw Calum quietly whispering Duke, wanting him to get off my bed and go with him. I shifted a little bit and then saw Calum staring at me. We locked eyes. Don't think about the lyrics.
"Shit sorry for waking you up, I wanted to knock but I knew you'd be asleep. I just came here to get Duke sorry." He explained.
"Its alright don't worry" I said and grabbed Duke , placing him gently on the floor. I heard Calum chuckle quietly.
"Did you have a good time tonight? Sorry I left without saying anything, didn't want to wake you" He asked. Not going to lie he looked so good standing there in the doorway. His tall wide shoulder figure and his thick brown curly afro like hair. I really shouldn't be thinking about him like this. It just is not right. I mentally slapped myself.
"Yea I ate the Mac and Cheese and watched some TV, the food was really good honestly " I told him. He smiled slightly.
"Good good , I'm glad you enjoyed my terrible cooking skills" He laughed.
"Nah for real it was good. Anyway, did you have a good dinner?" I asked him.
"Yea I did" his cheery voice tone dropped a little bit with his short and simple answer. I just tried to ignore his sudden change of mood.
"Great I'm glad to hear that , I should go back to sleep now" I said and gave Calum a slight smile.
"Yea you're right. Tomorrow I won't be here in the morning because I start working on some stuff early , I'll drop by around lunch just to see how you two are doing" He said and then looked down at Duke who was now sitting on his shoes.
"Alright thank you for letting me know, Goodnight" I spoke.

"Goodnight Cora , sleep well"

—— AN :///


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