Chapter 10 - The article

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The next morning I woke up something or someone snoring into my hear. I turned my head to see Calums head nuzzled into my neck. This all felt unreal. I smiled to myself because I knew I needed to mentally save these moments inside my mind. I didn't want to move but I could feel my neck starting to hurt a little bit. Suddenly I felt Calum's body lightly jerk and he let out a quiet groan. I turned around to face him just to see him already wide his eyes wide open staring at me.
"Well good morning love," He said, his morning voice was really showing right now. It was hot.
"Good morning" I smiled. His eyes were a little red and I could tell that he was going to have a killer of a hangover today.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked me, his voice still groggy.
"Yea I slept really well, to be honest" I wasn't lying, I think this is the best I've slept ever since I got to LA. I don't know why but the feeling of having Calum beside me made me feel so safe and at peace. I was happy with him.
"I slept pretty fucking good too, you kept me all warm and cozy," He said and let out a laugh. He was making me all smiley this morning and I lowkey hated it because I hated feeling happy most of the time, I don't know why but I just did.
For the next couple of minutes, we just lay in bed and chatted about what we had planned for today. It was the 3rd of December today which means it was the 10 year anniversary of 5sos. Calum was going to be extremely busy today. He had to perform today because the anniversary was going to be streamed live and the boys were going to play a couple of songs.
I, on the other hand, got to stay at the house with a hangover and probably just relax since Duke is staying at Mike's house for the day.

"We should probably get up" Calum let out a small groan when he saw the time.
"Shit, it's 9 already. Fuck I was supposed to be at the studio an hour ago" He complained. I felt bad for him, all this work he has to do and he barely gets any sleep. Luckily after today, he will have some free time, he's been mostly busy with the 5SOS 10-year anniversary show.
He quickly stood up and ran to the shower. Meanwhile, I decided to check socials for the first time since I got to LA, I have barely been on my phone. Like I'd take pictures and check my messages but I didn't really go on any social media.
I opened up Instagram to see I have gained over 2K followers. How is this possible? I see that I have been tagged in a lot of things. I click on one of the posts to see a picture of me and Calum getting into the taxi last night. The photo is captioned, "Calum Hood and new girlfriend leave Michael Cliffords party, clearly drunk."
This is bad. This is really really bad. I panicked and set my account to private. I realized that all the boys followed me and so did their girlfriends,sweet. I checked my DMs to see tons of requests from random 5sos fans and an unopened message from Josie that was sent last night. It's a link. I open the link to see a whole ass fucking article written about Calum and me. The headline says "Calum Hood's new lover?" I read the article and drop my phone out of panic. That was when Calum enters the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"You alright?" He asks when he sees me basically frozen staring at the floor at my probably now smashed iPhone. He walks over and grabs my phone and looks at it. His eyes widen, he obviously knows about the article now.
"Fucking media" He mutters under his breath and then places my phone on his bedside table. He sits down beside me and grabs my hands.
"Look I know this seems scary but we're going to be okay I swear, I will make sure everything is going to be okay. It's just the media. They write articles all the time and they make up shit. I swear we'll be okay, you gotta trust me." He says as he stares into my eyes.
"It is scary Calum. My face is now out in the world and people know who I am obviously and yes I am kind of terrified but I trust you, I am going to try and not think about it" I said and embraced him. I didn't care that he just came out of the shower and he was all wet and I'm pretty sure that his wet hair was dripping all over the bed. He squeezed me tight and kept repeating "it's all going to be okay."
I grabbed my phone and deleted Instagram and Twitter. I needed to stay off the media for a little while now. I knew things were going to get worse before they got better but I knew that as long as I stayed with Calum everything was going to be fine.
He eventually got dressed and decided he was going to show up to work late. He said he didn't care because he knew that the guys would be just fine without him for the next hour or so.
I also got dressed. Calum let me borrow his black joggers and I just stayed in the watermelon t-shirt that I slept in. I was all comfy today.

We made eggs and bacon for breakfast and sat on the couch eating them while we watched The Office, I think I got Calum hooked on it. As soon as it turned 11:30 it was time for Calum to leave.
"Sierra will come to pick you up around 5," He said before he left.
"Imma learn some of the songs so I can shout all the lyrics," I said and laughed. Calum wanted me to be there when they were performing. He wanted me to see them perform. He wanted me to see him perform and I appreciated that so much. Calum hugged me just before he was about to leave and as we pulled away from the hug he kissed me. He kissed me. This was our first kiss since the party. This was our sober kiss.
"You're all red, cute," He said and laughed. I couldn't wait for tonight.

God, what was this man doing to me?

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