Chapter 7 - The Party

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When we left the house we took Duke with us since we were just going to Michaels house. We got into a UBER and I was surprised to see that Duke sat down on the seat and didn't move for the whole ride. Calum must've trained him.

After around 10 minutes we arrived at a giant white house that was basically in the middle of a very small but rich neighbourhood, at least that's what it looked like. There weren't many other houses around. I just stared at it with my mouth wide open.
"Watch out for the flies" Calum laughed and then pushed my jaw with his hand.
The delicate touch of Calum Hood.
I laughed to myself and Cal and Luke both turned around looking at me, I just brushed it off by pretending to cough.
We got out of the UBER and walked around the back of the house, Luke said that apparently everyone is already there , in the garden.
We walked around the huge fences and I soon heard many different voices coming from over the small wooden fence.
Luke pushed the gate open and revealed around 100 people sitting beside the pool , some actually swimming. Others were sitting down on small outdoor couches. There was literal bar , like there was a bartender and everything, it was very cool. There were also some people just standing around having casual conversations. Calum bent down and let Duke off the leash.
"Don't worry he's got nowhere to escape, Mike has 2 dogs so the fences are basically dog escape proof." Calum turned around and said when he saw my worried face. I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know how I'd feel if we lost Duke or he'd escaped.
When Duke ran towards the people we soon heard people go.
"Calum!! Luke!!"
But then Michael Clifford appeared out of the crowd of people.
"CALUM! LUKE! HEY GUYS!" He ran towards us and gave the guys bro hugs. Then his eyes landed on me.
"You must be Cora" He said and then gave me a lil hug. Damn did these boys like hugs.
"Yep that is my name" I said and smiled.
"I'm Michael by the way but you can call me Mike" He gave me a warm smile. It was so weird , its as if i knew these boys so well as if they were my friends for most of my teen years.
I just nodded and smiled back.
"Cmon guys let me get you something to drink or eat!" He said and then started walking towards the bar.
Luke went right after him and I just stood there with Calum beside me. I kept fidgeting with my rings. I was quite nervous to be honest, all these people, I wasn't so good with social situations.
"You okay?" I suddenly heard Calum say.
I looked up at him and saw he was staring at me with worry in his eyes.
"Yeah I'm good just a bit nervous" I said and faked a smile. He placed his hand on the small of my back.
"Look we can leave whenever you want , if you feel anxious just tell me and we can leave. You can stay with me if you'd like since I'm like the only person you know so well here" When he said those words, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Nobody has ever really cared about my social anxiety and just to know that Calum cared, meant the world to me.
"Thank you Calum, I really appreciate that. I'll try not to be too anxious because I really don't want to ruin this night" I said.
"You're not ruining anything , everyone tends to get a little anxious sometimes. I'll stick by your side" He said and I just smiled and nodded and then we walked over to the bar.
Mike and Luke were sitting down having a causal conversation.
"Two beers please" Calum asked the bartender.
"A beer okay?" He asked me , I nodded.
I didn't drink a lot unless I went to parties or had the causal wine on a Friday night, so I wasn't much of a drinker. Its okay to let a little loose sometimes though.
Calum handed me the beer bottle and we sat down on the red bar stools. We sat in silence until  a question came to my mind.
"Is Brandy coming tonight?" I asked.
"Honestly I don't think so , she's extremely busy with recording and writing songs lately. I actually haven't seen her since our little dinner" He said. Really? Then where was he spending all these nights he didn't come home? That was a little strange.
"Really? Then where have you been going all these nights when you're not in the house" I laughed, trying to not seem nosey.
"In the studio" He answered bluntly. I think I asked too much because he didn't even look at me when he spoke.
"Right" I said and took a sip of my beer.

And that's how the next hour went. Me and Calum sitting at the bar before he left to go with Michael to talk to some producer that apparently attended the party. I thought this was friends only, apparently not.
I've been sitting at the bar by myself for the past 20 minutes just scrolling through my phone. I was already 4 beers down but somehow I wasn't tipsy at all. Usually I'd be lightheaded after 3. Weird.
Suddenly I felt someone sit beside me.
Uninterested I didn't bother even looking up to see who it was.
"Hey" I heard an Aussie voice speak. I looked up to see Luke.
"Luke!" I spoke and instantly dropped my phone on the table.
"I guess you're not having the best time?" He asked pointing to my phone and then to the slight frown on my face.
"Honestly? Not really. I barely know anyone here and lets just say I'm not the socialising type. Calum kinda left me here." I said and then I felt tears coming to my eyes, no I can't cry. I carefully wiped under my eyes to make sure I didn't smudge my makeup.
"Has he not spoken to you much?" He asked.
"Well we spoke at first but then I asked if Brandy was going to show up tonight and ever since he's been blunt." I said and Luke face expression changed.
"Yeah him and Brandy are kinda going through a rough patch right now" He said.
They were? Honestly I'm not surprised that Calum didn't tell me , I shouldn't be interested in his personal love life.
"Oh right" I said and then took a big gulp of my beer.
"Damn girl you drink like a proper lad" Luke laughed.
"Hush this is my 4th beer and I still ain't drunk enough" I said with slight disappointment.
"I think its time for tequila shots. I'll go get Calum, whenever he drinks tequila he tends to be in a happier" Luke said and then left to find Calum.
I still surprised from the thing that Luke told me about Cal and Brandy. I mean I shouldn't really care but I do , I care about Calum. A lot.

Luke soon enough returned with Calum. I could see Calum was a little bit more drunk than when I last saw him and he tensed up as soon as he saw me but he did say a quick hi and gave me a smile.
We somehow ended up each doing 4 shots of tequila. It was fun.
Luke had 2 left and Calum had 3.
After those 4 I told myself no more but somehow I ended up having 2 more. Calum and I kept staring at each other , the more drunk we became the more intense the stares got and the tension between us grew bigger.
The music was loud and there were people dancing, they have created their own dance floor. That's when it all started.
After shots, I made my way through the crowd and started swaying when I heard Oxytocin by Billie Eilish blasting through the speakers. I was by myself at first but midway through the first verse I felt two hands grip at my hips. I turned around and saw Calum. I knew this was wrong, but the alcohol in my system was a little too strong for me to care.

I turned around and pressed myself against Calum. Basically grinding on him. You know I felt something tense his trousers. His hands made their way back to my hips yet again. His grip was so strong I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow I'd either have his rings engraved in my hips or have bruises or both. He took lead as we danced to the beat of the song. Our bodies in sync. Everything felt so right but so wrong at the same time.
I turned my face to look at him and he lowered his face so it was closer to mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. Then I fully turned my whole body around to face him. There were red and orange lights flashing over the crowd making Calums face changed to red to orange every second.
When him and I locked eyes, it honestly felt like the whole world turned into slow motion. Calum's hands now on my waist and my hands on his shoulders.
His beautiful face leaning closer and closer to me, inch by inch

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