Chapter 5 - His room

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The next morning I woke up around 8AM. Duke was attacking my face with licks so I'm guessing he was desperately needing to pee or something.
It was so weird because I wasn't freezing in the morning for once since it was quite hot in LA.
I got out of bed , quickly fixed my sheets and pillows and let Duke out for a run around the back. That was when I realised that the garden had a huge ass pool. How did I miss this detail yesterday? I must've been too jet lagged to be fair.

I went back inside and saw a note on the kitchen table.

Good morning Cora :)
I hope you slept well and comfortably.
I guess we communicate in sticky notes for now since work is being a pain in the ass. I hope you let out Duke for a run in the garden since he usually does that.
There's toast and yogurt in the fridge and oatmeal in the top cupboard beside the glass cups. Theres fruit on the counter which is probably in front of you right now. Vegetables and butter are all in the fridge. I hope you can make a decent breakfast. The coffee is set up to make a latte so all you gotta do is get a cup and just press the green button on the machine and you should be good to go with a coffee.
I'll pop in around 1 or 2PM to see how you're getting on.
If you need anything before that, feel free to text me , you got my number.

C-Dizzle-Swizzle xx

C Dizzle Swizzle? What is this man on.
Silly goofy mood much.
I laughed at the note and decided to make an oatmeal with banana , apple and I actually found some peanut butter so I put on top. I made myself the latte and sat outside.
Being out in the sun for the first in forever felt so good. In Scotland it rains most of the time so it's always cloudy, we barely get any sun. That's probably why I lack in Vitamin D to be fair.
Duke was running around me and I'm pretty sure he was chasing a squirrel at one point.
I went back through into the kitchen after finishing my breakfast and washed all of the dishes. There were a few from yesterday I'm guessing Calum didn't have time to do them.
As I was placing one of the cups into the cupboard I spotted a little picture in front of one of the cups.
It was a photograph of him and his sister Mali.
They we're literally the opposite gender versions of each other , they looked extremely alike. She's a singer as well, her voice is truly incredible I admit. Calum only told me about her when I told him about my siblings , during the drive back from the airport. We spoke about a lot of things during that drive. He genuinely seemed interested in what I had to say, not a lot of people do so I really did appreciate that.

I went into the living room to see that there was a hoodie layed out on the couch.
It was Calums famous green 'empathy' hoodie. The temptation to put it on and take a picture in it was real right now. But of course I wasn't going to do that, it was just ridiculous. This was a job. Just a job.
Speaking of, I heard Duke scratching the doors so I let him back inside the house.
He jumped on the couch and sat down right on the hoodie. I panicked and quickly picked him up and placed him to the side. I prayed that he didn't get it dirty.
I inspected the hoodie and thank god there wasn't any dirt on it from Dukes paws.
I decided to fold the hoodie and go put it into Calums room, hopefully he doesn't mind or come home at the wrong time. I walked up the stairs where his bedroom was and opened the door.
Now I was shocked shitless.
The walls were covered in plaques , vinyls and photographs and a couple of band posters too. There were guitars and basses hung up on the walls. It was truly beautiful. His room was quite simple besides that.
A wardrobe, king size bed , bedside tables and a desk with a fuck ton of papers on it.
I placed the hoodie on his bed and looked at the photographs . There were many of him and the 5sos boys and there were a couple of him and Brandy. I felt a ping of jealousy when I saw a picture of him and Brandy kissing but I just pushed that feeling to the side. It wasn't relevant.
That was when I heard the door open.

"Cora?" It was Calum. He just fucking caught me practically snooping in his room.
"Shit Calum , uh look I can explain-" I began but he cut me off.
"What are you doing in my bedroom?" He asked and took a step towards me.
"Look Im sorry I just came in here to drop off your hoodie because it was on the couch and Duke kept trying to sit on it so I didn't want it to get dirty so I thought I'd be a good to put it here , I swear I wasn't snooping I just got distracted by looking at the pictures and sorry im so -" He cut me off again.
"You're rambling calm down" He laughed. Why is he laughing? I am so confused. I gave him a very confused but worried look.
"Its fine, I understand. As long as you weren't snooping or trying to steal my underwear" He joked. I let out a sigh of relief. I am not getting fired.
"So I'm not fired" I said. He let out a loud.
"Fired? Why would I fire you?" He asked. His stare was quite intense though his brown eyes staring right through me.
"I don't even know oh my god" I said and placed my hands over my face in embarrassment trying to cover my now flustered face. Why was this happened to me.
"It's all okay , I actually just came in here to get that green hoodie. I wondered why it wasn't downstairs where I left it this morning" He said walking over to the bed and picking up the hoodie.
"Right" is all I said and then headed for the door.
"Thank you by the way" He said.
"For what?" I raised an eyebrow.
"For making sure Duke didn't get shit on the hoodie , I just got it cleaned." He laughed.
"Right. Of course" I said and gave him a small smile. He nodded and smiled back.
I left him in his room and shut the door on my way out.
I went straight to my room. Duke came in a few minutes later. He sat down beside me and I sighed and started stroking his fur. He needed bath , he kinda smelled really bad. I laughed to myself as I was looking at him. He just twisted his head in question.

"Bye Cora! I'll see you later , I should be back around 7 or 8 if not then don't wait up I'll be home very late!" Calum shouted as he left the house.

the job - calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now