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Please tell me if you like this or not? Im a big One Direction fan but I promise, not all my stories will be about them. Please comment vote. Whatever!

<3 Kat <3


Prologue: Rain poured down as he watched the child play with her new born sister. Cody was her name. She was the destiny child. The one who was supposed to stop Josh, and his evil army. He wanted Cody for her power. The child was marked as soon as birth and Niall has watched over her since then. Cody could stop Josh from taking over the world, to keep him from sending it to hell. Plus, Cody's real parents were the underworld's rulers, so she was techinally doomed for life. She was a half vampire half witch, which is why her power was so powerful. Her parents were evil/good but Niall knew the child could be good if she choose to. Niall hoped he could change her mind later in life. You see...Cody's power was special. Very special. She could read minds, change people's minds/feelings and control their bodies by stopping the blood flowing and move it herself. The only problem. She didn't know. And she may never know. Niall had to do something before Josh found Cody, and either killed her or forced her to stay with him forever.

"Run, baby. Run."

Niall's voice running through the wind to the child's ears. Cody cocked her head, then turned to stare in the woods, positive someone was there.

Chapter 1

I was walking down the empty hallway to the library, my mind whirling with confusion, lust, and happiness. I plopped down at the table in the library my two best friends, Liam and Louis, were sitting at, causing them to both jump.

"Cody?" Louis asked.

"Yeahhh?" I sighed, looking at the step-brothers.

"Something wrong? You're supposed to be in Biology,"he pointed out.

"I know."

Liam frowned."Who did it?"he asked.


His name left my lips like venom,dripping out of my mouth like sickly sweet honey. Liam's eyes widened, and he looked around, terrifed.

"He's not here, Li," I said, sighing.

You see, Niall was the school bully. The punk. And Liam was a victim of him, and his goons, Harry and Zayn.

"Well, what did he do?" Louis asked, pushing up his geeky glasses that he needed for reading.

"Nothing...just stopped me in the hall. Spoke to me."

Louis' eyebrow raised as he stood up, leaning over the table.

"And can you tell us exactly what...this is?"he said, tilting my head up and to the side, brushing his fingers against my neck.

"Damnit..." I muttered under my breath.


It was just minutes after the bell rang for the last class of the day, and I hugged my books closer to my chest when a sudden force hit me, pushing me against the lockers. I let out a squeak of surprise, my eyes the size of sacuers.

"Hello, darlin'," an Irish accent slurred in my ears. I narrowed my eyes, glaring into his beautiful blue ones.

"What do you want, Niall?" I spat.

"Oh just wanted a little chat, babe. Don't be like that, Cody."

The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't give up my glare. Niall leaned forward, whispering in my ear.

"You should be in class."

I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was a squeal as something hot and wet flicked my earlobe. Harry and Zayn chuckled but stopped when I sent them death glares. I realized the wet thing was Niall's tounge as he continued to suck my earlobe, making me confused. His tounge piercing ran over my collar bone, making me shiver. Niall placed his hands on my ass, gripping my cheeks to make me buck my hips forward. He chuckled, his breath ghosting over my neck.

"Someone's horny,"he said as he moved his lips to my neck.

"Yeah, but it's not me," I hissed, willing him to get off me. He bite down on my neck, sucking at the sensitive skin. My breathing got faster, knots curling in my stomach. Niall let go, licked one strip on the spot he was sucking at, then pulled away.

"Don't forget I'm the one that made you horny,"he said, winking at me before heading off with Harry and Zayn behind him like lost puppies.

"I'm NOT horny!" I growled lowly, touching my neck.

~End of Flashback~

"Nothing. It's nothing. I just got hit in gym earlier," I lied. Louis and Liam rolled their eyes.

"We have the same classes as you execpt right now," Louis said.

"You never got hit in gym because we were running track today," Liam stated. I looked down as they got closer and closer to the truth. Suddenly, Louis gasped, standing up quickly.

" You let him give you a hickey!"he shouted, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Shhhh!" the librarain hissed.

"Yeah, Louis! Shh!" I whispered. Louis sat back down but he was angry.

"You're only fifteen. Only a freaking freshman. And you let Niall-the punk who's been held back twice, the one bullying my own brother- give you a fucking hickey!" I rolled my eyes, putting my head down on the table.

"Looooouis!" I moaned."You don't have to tell the whole world, you fucker!" I lifted my head up to glare at my junior best friend.

"No, but I will tell Niall to back the hell off,"he hissed. I just rolled my eyes again, standing up and stalking over to him. I grabbed Louis' shirt and stared deep into his startled blue eyes .

"Don't say anything to Niall. He'll just beat the living shit out of you," I hissed.

Louis nodded, his hair falling his eyes.


I had no idea where my sudden anger had come from but I didn't want Louis to talk to Niall. Either because I couldn't stand the thought of him being beat up or because I wanted to get my revenge on Niall. Finally, the last bell rang and the three of us ran outside.

"Hop on, babe," Louis said, bending down for me to hop on his back. I made sure I had my bag before jumping on him, clinging to his back. As we headed home, I could feel a pair of eyes burning into my back. I turned around to look in the woods, and shivered. There was definitly something or someone watching me. I turned my head back around and shivered again. Did I have a stalker? Or was I imaging things?


Sorry it's short :/ Hopefully I can make the chapters longer

<3 Kat <3

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