Chapter 8

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I yawned, stretching out from a long day of training. I beat Harry's ass four times, beat Niall in a race, but lost the arm wrestling contest. And no, he didn't use his super strength. Zayn taught me everything vampire thing in the giant book, and then I took a walk with Louis, and Liam as they werewolves. They still were as everyone was sitting outside the tent, watching the darkening sky.

"Don't you guys think everyone knows we're missing?" I asked.

"No. Their mum and dad know what they are, and the three of us don't have parents. They're dead," Niall said.

"Oh. Sorry," I said quietly.

"No, it's ok. I mean, Harry was born in 1840 and I was born 1855. Zayn is younger than us. He was born 1915."

My mouth fell open. Holy shit, they were old. No offense of course.

"None taken," Harry said.

I was about to ask him what he meant, but then I remembered he could hear my thoughts. I curled up into a ball in Louis' side, hearing a low purring like sound build in his chest.

"Love you too, Lou," I murmmered, falling asleep.

-Niall's POV-

Cody fell asleep, muttering a,"Love you too, Lou." into his fur. I felt my non-beating heart throb with pain. Why couldn't she say that to me? I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"She's one hell of a vampire," Harry said, rubbing his arse.

"Yeah," I agreed, rubbing my sore ankles.

"It's good though to know that she catches on quickly. It would have been a pain in the ass to teach a slow learner," Zayn spoke up.

"I guess. But how much more training will she need before she will be ready to fight Josh? It could be months or it could be hours."

"Yeah, well we just have to have paitence. It'll be a lot faster that way."

I nodded, then stood up, brushing away the dirt on my pants.

"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back."

Before anyone could protest, I turned and sprinted into the woods. I took a deep breath when I was far in the forest, sighing. I walked past trees then stopped as a scent flowing up my nose.

"Why,hello, Niall,"a voice drawled.

I hissed loudly, my fangs making their appearence.

"Now, now,"she said, stepping out of the shadows.

"Eleanor," I snarled.

Eleanor smiled sweetly at me, her hands resting on her hips.

"I take it you have Cody? I mean, why else would you be"she said, flicking a leaf.

I growled, my hands balling up into fists.

"Yes, I have her. You can go tell Simon and Josh that. And tell them that she'll be ready to kick their asses any day!"

Eleanoe tutted at me, smiling sickly.

"Niall, Niall, Niall. Language young man."

I growled again, really being to get ticked off.

"What do you want? How come they didn't send Sophie? Afraid small thing would easily get killed?" I mocked.

Eleanor narrowed her eyes, baring her teeth. Sophie was her sister, and I just loved teasing about killing her. They were bad so don't judge me.

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