Chapter 16

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-Cody's POV-

I wandered around the kitchen, my stomach growling. I placed my hands on my stomach, leaning back against the island, and sighing. Ed had no human food whatsoever! I mean, I wasn't expecting a giant feast of food, but I was atleast wishing for an apple or something. Niall walked through the door, his own stomach rumbling. I giggled. Even as a vampire, Niall was always hungry. He told how when he was human, he used to eat all time no matter what. He walked over to me, trapping me against the island with a smirk.

"So, how to you feel about my mate's and your mate's new relationship?" he asked.

"I think it's wonderful to be honest. The tension between them was so thick you could see it!"

"The sexual tension, you mean. I'm just happy the got together with make-up sex."

"How was it make-up sex? They never dated," I pointed out.

"Well, what other kind of sex is there? Besides the actual sex."

"I don't know. I'm still a virgin,remember?"

"I'll change that," Niall said, a dark look in his eyes.

I swallowed thickly, a feeling of lust bubbling in my stomach, replacing hunger. I was hyptonzied by Niall's now blackened eyes, unable to move, or look away. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to push him away, but he didn't even budge. I sighed, sneaking a glance over his shoulder at Zayn. He raised an eyebrow, and I raised mine back as a sign for help. He nodded, getting my signal of distress, and quietly sneaked up behind Niall, reaching out to touch him. His hands touched under his arms, tickling the spots, and Niall jumped away with a squeal. I giggled, taking memory of his facial expression. Niall looked at Zayn with wide eyes, then they narrowed into slits playfully.

"Niall's a bit....ticklish. His weak spot is under his arms as you can tell. You're welcome," he said, winking at me.

As soon as Zayn's back was turned, Niall pounced in his direction. Zayn moved to the left so quickly that if I blinked, I would have missed it. Niall fell to the ground with a loud thud, but was on his feet faster than anything. He launched at Zayn again, this time he let him tackle him. They both fell to the floor, wrestling. Zayn finally had Niall pinned to the hard wood floor, smirking proudly.

"Remember Niall, I am your best friend. I know every weakness, every strength, every secret, and every stratigy(?) you have. I know everything about you, buddy," Zayn snickered.

"Ha ha. You're amusing. I know everything about you too, Zayn," Niall repyled.

"Maybe not everything..."

Zayn stood up, walking away. I stared after him, my eyebrows pushed together as I mauled over what he just said. I looked over at Niall, and he shrugged, just as confused as I was. He stood up, shoved his hands in his pockets, then walked after Zayn. I trailed him, curious as ever. I've spent enough time with the boys to know something was wrong, and I could tell Zayn was hiding something dark, and dirty. Was he going behind our backs, and spilling every secret to Josh? Or was there something bad about his past? Niall found Zayn sitting on the steps leading upstairs, head in his hands, fingers tugging his raven colored hair.

"Zayn? Buddy?"

Zayn flinched, moving away from Niall's voice. Niall sighed, plopping down next to his best friend. He swung an arm over his shoulders, pulling him closer to his body. Niall leaned his head forward, whispering something in his ear. Zayn shook his head, shrugging Niall's arm off of him. He ran upstairs, slamming his bedroom door. I sighed, turning my head as the front door opened. Ed walked through, trying to slide past casually, but when he saw Niall, and I watching him curiously, he grinned nervously. He shut the door, brushing orange hair from his eyes. I squinted, focusing on the strange goldish yellow colored irises Ed was sporting right now.

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