Chapter 6

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Hey! So Im not grounded or anything! I didn' t fail! But the only problem is I promised my friend, Chloe that I would play soccer if I didnt fail. :/ Oh well. Hope you like this chapter.


-Niall's POV-

I chuckled as Cody slowly surrender to the sleep Zayn was over powering her brain with. Her head fell to the side, resting on my shoulder and I sighed. Taking care of Cody was harder than it seemed. When I was reborn as the monster I am now and was told my soul mate was just born, I didn't think it would be this hard. I loved her of course, but this...this was going to be harder than I thought.

"You alright there, mate?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Just...worried. What if she doesn't believe us and runs away? We should've went to her house, to keep her in."

Zayn shook his head, his black hair falling down, the blonde streak white in the moonlight.

"Nope,"he said, popping the 'p'.

"Why?" I asked, my blonde hair falling in my eyes. Cody murmmered in her sleep, her hands clutching my opened shirt. I hushed her, then looked back up at my friends, my feet flying over knocked down trees and bushes.

"He sent his little messanger, Sophie. He made her sniff her out, which is how he knew she was going to be at the dance. Plus he had a message to tell Cody. And she used blood from her sister's body to write it."

I shuddered. Yeah, I drank human blood, but I drank criminial's blood. My creator was Harry, and he wasn't much older than me. He created me after my nineteenth birthday, saying he didn't mean too, but couldn't control himself when he smelled me. Together, we controlled our blood lust for innocent humans and focused our thirst on muggers, murders, and robbers. We would return everything the bad guys stole, or even secretly attened the funerals of those who lost their lives because of those pyschopaths. We found Zayn after we went to America, trying to space out our feeding process. He had been drinking a woman's blood when we found him, and Harry told him our plan. Zayn reluctantly agreed, but soon he began seeing how helpful we were being...sort of.

"Well, they aren't getting her," I said.

My friends grunted their answers, and we continued to our hiding place down by the moutains. A wolf howl rang around, alerting us to hurry, or we'd be caught. Harry, Zayn, and I ran as fast as we could. No we didn't have super speed. We didn't fly either. All we had were powers. I had super strength, Zayn had the power to control your brain power, like being able to control what people were doing. For example, he could make a suicidal person who was about to jump off a bridge come down without even facing them. He weaved his way into their minds, then told them what they needed to do. Harry could read your mind, and predict every move you were going to make. Plus, he was silent as fuck. He was really quiet, great weapon to sneak up on people. We reached the giant tent set up by the moutain, and crawled inside, seeing Louis and Liam curled up together, still wolves, their bright yellow eyes creepy in the dark. A growl came from one of their throats, and I hesitantly put Cody next to them.

"She's okay. Zayn put her to sleep," I reassured Louis' worried looking eyes.

He stared at me for a moment before dipping his head, then nosing a blanket over Cody's limp body. He curled up by her, Liam at the entrance of the tent. A low sound came from him, and he turned to circle by Louis, then plopped down with a huff. I went over to Harry, and Zayn with a sigh. Zayn's nose was crinkled in disgust and I snickered. He could smell the mutts better than any vampire, which was good for us since we were using them. The other vampires won't be expecting their own kind to work with...ugh. Dogs.

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