Chapter 9

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*WARNING!!!* I'm warning you now! There will be sexual content in this part and probably a few more chapters but Don't Like=Don't Read!


After a sixteen hour flight to England, we stopped there for the night. When we got on the next plane the next morning, I was ready to kill every boy. They whined and complained like five year olds, and there were freaking five year olds on the plane that didn't act like that! I was sitting by the window, next to Niall, Liam on his other side. Those two seemed to be getting along real well after Liam saved Niall two nights before. I sighed, laying my head on the window, and watching the fluffy clouds float by. Louis, and Harry were bickering behind me, Zayn asleep. An old woman turned around and glared at me.

"Will you please make those two stop!"she snapped."They're giving me a headache."

"You and me both. Why don't you go back there and make them shut up. I'm sure they'll listen to you," I answered, eyes closed.

The woman just snorted, turning back around and I sighed, sitting up so I could turn. I glared at Louis, and Harry, making them both fade off into silence.

"I swear to God. You two don't shut up, I will rip each of your throats out and feed them to a pack a vicious wolves. Better yet, maybe werewolves. Shut the hell up!" I hissed.

They stared at me, completely shocked by my outburst, and I smiled grimly, turning back around. Judge me if you must for my harsh words, but you try being on a plane with five boys for God knows how long until you want to kill each and everyone of them. Liam and Niall were also staring at me, surprised. Hey, when I'm tired I get cranky. I yawned, running a hand over my face.

"I'm going to the restroom."

I stood up, sliding past Liam and Niall, then stopped to look at Harry and Louis.

"If that old lady complains to me again about you two, I will personally throw you out this plane."

I stalked back to the bathroom, ignoring the weirded out stares of the other passengers. I locked the bathroom door tightly before laying my hands on the sink. I sighed, looking at my reflection. The girl staring back was not me. Her wavy black hair was sticking devilishly out of her ponytail, her eyes red and wild, her lips parted in an angry snarl, eye teeth jabbing her bottom lip. Her face was drained from any color, her usual rosy colored cheeks sickly pale. I sighed again, and ran a hand through my hair, the girl in the mirror minoring my movements. I turned the cold water on, splashing it on my face to wake me up. I jumped back, startled from the rush of freezing cold liquid, but gently eased my hands back, rubbing my arms with the water. Suddenly, I gripped the sink so tightly, my knuckles turned white and felt like they were going to break. I looked at the girl in the mirror and she stared back at me with fear in her red eyes. My vision darkened, and I hit the hard floor with a sickening thud.

-Niall's POV-

When I knew Cody went to the bathroom, I turned in my seat to face the three other boys behind me. Zayn was sleeping, his head lolled to one side, but Harry and Louis looked like they were going to murder each other.

"Hey! What's wrong with you two?"

"He started it!" Harry whined, pointing a finger at Louis.

"Pointing fingers? Aw, yeah. Real mature for someone who's a thousand years old," Louis sneered rolling his eyes.

"Just...shut up. Please don't annoy Cody. She obviously took the news hard and her vampire cells are going out of control. She'll snap at any little thing."

I turned back around when the two boys nodded their heads, turning away from each other. I tapped my fingers against the arm rest, humming as I waited for Cody to come back. I looked at Liam worriedly, sighing.

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