Chapter 20

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I have nothing to say except enjoy the chapter :)


-Harry's POV-

Cody's ear splitting shriek made me stop what I was doing, and turn to her. My mouth fell open. Niall was laying on the ground, his body splayed like a child's doll just thrown on the ground. A large man towered above his body, and I realized it was Simon. Jesus, he was huge. Cody fell to her knees, crying so hard, I'm surprised she didn't break a rib. I got up to comfort her, but was suddenly thrown down to the ground by a full force. I cracked open my eyes, staring straight back at Ed. He stared into my eyes, cocking his head to the side. I remembered what Perrie said about Ed, and I remembered the pounding heart in my pocket. It pained me that I was going to kill my best friend. I chuckled silently, remembering how we met.


I was out with my girlfriend, Amber, when she sudddenly threw me in a dark alley. I smirked, joking about sharing ourselvres for the first time in an alley. Amber just stared down at me strangely, her usual blue eyes purplish black. I gulped, unaware of what was going to happen. She bared teeth, and my heart jumped when I saw her eye teeth were extra sharp, and longer than they usually are. I narrowed my eyes, swallowing thickly as she moved closer.

"Relax, Harry. It'll be quick, and painless,"she purred.

Holy shit, did she lie. It hurt so bad, my entire body was on fire when she bit down on my neck. I may or may not have let out a girly scream, but when your voice has finally changed, and your girlfriend sinks her fangs into the softest part of your neck, yes, you're going to sound like a three year old girl. I tried to fight her off, but it only made the pain worse. Suddenly, her weight was picked up off me, and through half closed eyes, I saw a redheaded male bite her neck until she went limp. I sighed, and fell asleep. When I woke up, the redhead was sitting next to me, twisting something in his hands. He looked up to see me awake, and smiled, standing up to stroll over to me.

"Hello, how are you feeling?"he asked.

"Thirsty", I answered,"And everything hurts."

The redhead nodded, the same smile still placed on his pink lips.

"Good, good,"he hummed,"I'm Ed."


"It's nice to meet you, Harry. Now. Amber changed you."

That's when I sat up, swinging my legs off the bed I magically appeared on.

"What do you mean? Changed me? And how do you know Amber?"

"Sit, don't hurry yourself. You'll get hurt," Ed said before sitting down next to me,"I know Amber because she was my girlfriend in 1768. I loved her, or atleast I thought I did. You dated for two months, right?"

I nodded.

"So did we. Then after two months, she threw me in the same alley you were in, and bit me. She's a vampire. Well, was. I'm a vampire, and so are you, Harry."

I stared at Ed before laughing right in his face. Just busted out laughing. I laughed so hard, I fell off the bed, holding my sides because it felt like I was going to split in half. When my laughter finally calmed down to small giggles, and hiccups, I sat back on the bed.

"Sorry. But, vampires? I think you're crazy. And if you were in the 1700's, you would be dead. It's 1858."

Ed shrugged, brushing red hair from his face.

"Laugh if you want, but come look,"he said, gesturing for me to follow him.

I stood up slowly, getting dizzy, but still wobbling after him. We stopped in front of a body length mirror, and I looked at myself. I wrinkled my nose. I looked awful, my trousers were ripped, and dirty, blood staining my favorite jumper. Eck.

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