Tutee becomes tutor.

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-- Lily's POV --

I can't do this. I snuck a note under the desk to Emma. It was charms, the class right after we were in the hospital wing with James. I feel so horrible. I know I helped him, but there's so much more I could have done, and I was just standing there in shock for about ten seconds. Also, I know how much he helped me when I hurt my ankle, which makes me feel even worse.

Chill out Lily, and please stop with the notes, it's like the sixth one. I know you're good at charms, but I'm not, so please let me focus. It's lunch next, we'll meet him then okay? Promise. Emma edged the note onto my lap. When I finished reading it, she just gave me a side glance, and put on a sorry face. I bit my lip, and looked down in shame again.

"Yes Lily! I can trust you know the answer." Professor Tralsky called out to me. My head snapped up in shock. Great time to pick on me. "Uh, I... Well... I think... Um" I stuttered. Merlin, I felt like an idiot. " The locking charm. Colloportus" Emma quickly filled in for me. "Thank you Emma. Lily, can I talk to you after class?" The professor seemed nice, smiling and all, but barely anything good comes from talking to a teacher after class.


"I'll be outside." Emma said, as she reassuringly patted my back. "Yeah." I said. As I walked into his office, biting my lip.

"Lily. I know it's lunch, so I would like to get over this as fast as possible. You are the best student I have ever had. So I would like to burden you with the honour of becoming the tutor of a very - how do you say it - of a student that is below average, and could do with help from a very talented person like you. His name is Cory Blant, he's in the third year. I have already told him to meet you in the library after dinner today. " He avoided eye contact with me while he put his things away.

"Thank you so much Professor. I would love to shoulder this burden. I promise I won't let you down, Professor. Good day." I took a step back as he nodded in approval of me leaving.

"Thank Merlin!" I said, literally skipping out of the room. "You seem happy. So it wasn't bad?" Emma asked as she backed away in defense from my uncontrollable hands. "Yeah it was amazing! I'm a tutor in charms! For Cory. You know, I think he's in the Slytherin Quidittch team. not sure." I was so much more excited than I should have been.

"Well, it might not be the best idea to friend-zone the enemy. Also, considering that your tutor is the head of the Gryffindor Quidditch team." Emma walked next to me, as I fixed my coat from all the jumping. My head snapped up. "Oh Merlin. James. Oh god I'm a horrible person. Come on, Ems!" I ran ahead in a flurry. "Oh great, this again." Emma mumbled as she started to run behind me.


-- James's POV --

I feel soooo horrible. I know the whole team is sweating out there in the sun, practicing to win tomorrow, and I, the captain of the team, am lying here healing. "Urghhhh." I grumbled in frustration. "Sorry James. I know I'm late." Lily came rushing in with a bowl filled with spaghetti.

I sat up to take the bowl from her. "It's fine. thanks, by the way. I'm starving." I stuffed a spoonful - forkful? - of spaghetti into my mouth. Lily smiled as she sat down on the side of my bed. "How are you holding up?" She asked, smiling as I gulped down another mouthful of spaghetti. She giggled softly. "Fine, I suppose." I said, without even looking up.

"Are you going to play tomorrow?" I could hear the caution and concern in her voice. I swallowed, placed my fork down, and looked up at her. "I uh - I don't - well - " She cut me off. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you a question like that. I don't know what I was thinking." She bit her lip, and looked down (she's so cute when she's sorry).

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