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"What the hell is going on!"

My voice came as a shout as I watched Rebekah pin Kol to the wall with a dagger in her hand. She glared at me.

"If I dagger him Damon's compulsion ends and this will all be over," she explained staring her brother down.

"You're no better than Klaus," I spat, "you say you hate him for taking away your choices yet you'll do the same thing to get your way."

"Look at what this family has become, Kol added, "I mean, Elijah won't even show his face, he's so disgusted by our bickering. This cure has ruined us, and it hasn't even been found yet. Just imagine what would happen if it is."

"This family was ruined long before we knew about the cure," she said as she put him down though the dagger was still pointed at his heart.

He swiftly took something from his pocket, pushed her into the wall, and pointed it at her chest.

"Kol!" I yelled. It was white oak. "Put it down."

"She was going to dagger me," he reasoned.

Klaus burst into the room and pushed his brother on the floor. "Enough of this foolishness. Put it down, Kol."

"Kol come on let's go," I urged. I walked over and helped him up. "Let's go home. They don't understand."

Picking me up bridal style, he sped us deep into the woods. When he set me down a punched a few trees. I waited for him to calm down.

"You didn't tell me you had the white oak stake," I said quietly as I sat down in the grass.

"I didn't think I would need to use it," he sat next to me, "I'm sorry. I heard what Nik said."

I shrugged, "you were right. I should have listened to you."

Together we laid, bathing in the sunlight. He told me how he got the White Oak, by stealing it from his sister days go while making me pancakes. I wasn't happy about it but I understood why he took it. We continued our planning. We would finish Damon's job and get to Jeremy ourselves. When it was all settled it was silent. Until the elastic bands in my soul started pulling me deeper in the forest.

"Do you feel that?" I asked rubbing my chest right above my heart.

He loved around and shook his head, "feel what?"

The tug got stronger so strong it was difficult to breathe. I held his hand as I guided him through the trees. Finally the tugging stopped.

And what we found was beautiful.

There was a cliff with a waterfall that had the biggest rainbow I had ever seen. A lake flowed at the bottom. Deer roamed the field as well as squirrels and other small woodland animals. Roses grew in bushes along the perimeter. The grass was a vibrant green with no hints of weeds.

"It's beautiful," I gasped looking around. My voice scared a few of the creatures but they stayed put. "I feel like Snow White."

"Who's Snow White?"

My mouth dropped, "Kol no."

"What? Who's Snow White?"

Laughing, I kissed his nose and assured him I would show him Snow White another time.

"We should build a house here," I sighed. I felt safe here as if I was meant to be here.

"You like it here?"

"It's so peaceful. No people. I could create a boundary spell to keep it hidden. Our home." There was a sense of serenity in this field. The nature gave peace to my inner enchanter.

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