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The shocked faces made the Enchanter laugh. It had been about a minute since she broke the news. They didn't believe it was possible.

"But- But how?" Bonnie uttered. "Vampires can't have children. Kol definitely can't have kids."

"Sit down," Julianne hopped off the counter with grace. Her aura was captivating. The lull of her voice was soothing.

"Cecelia was not born like you and I. Every living spirit is born with a soul. Our souls can be keys to connections and even magic. Music enchanters can control souls just with the sound of our voices. I used my magic for good. Using connections to bind souls together, to unlock magic or lead soul bonds together."

"I was the first of my kind. Nature Enchanters viewed me as a threat. As poison," she spat with a grimace on her face. She shook her head. "and once new souls emerged with my magic... they planned for my execution."

"The first of your kind?" Klaus spoke up for the first time. He listened to every word and watched her body language. Deep down he believed her without any questions.

"I am the first Music Enchanter. Without me, the balance would break beyond repair. That is why my soul was created.

One night I had a dream. There was a woman who controlled the sea with a song. I saw golden eyes. And in that moment I knew I was given a sign. She was the key.

There was a Nature Enchanter that didn't agree with the others. She wanted to learn from me and share our knowledge for the new Enchanters. When the elders found out they plotted to kill her too. So she left with me. We fled our village into the woods.

I am the product of a Nature Enchanter and a siren. They had no idea how powerful I was. What I taught myself to do. My control over souls was not known. I manipulated my soul and the Nature Enchanter's souls. Intertwining our souls and our magic. I had another dream. The golden-eyed woman sat on a prickly throne of thorns. In front of her were three versions of her, all different in their way."

"Vampire, witch, and werewolf," Abby spoke up for the first time. She looked over at the witch. Abby knew this story firsthand, experiencing it during her pregnancy. "But something went wrong. You were attacked."

Julianne smiled at the woman and nodded. "We couldn't hide in the woods. I was with a child and needed somewhere for my birth. I created a world with the combined magic of me and my child. My Paradise. Her magic created it just as mine did."

"What happened?" Bonnie asked. She moved closer to the older witch, not wanting to miss a detail. She knew her sister was special but this was something different entirely.

"An elder found out about my plan. Alessandra as you know her, could not let my child live. She knew of my dream. The golden-eyed woman would not be accepted by the Nature Enchanters. They needed to kill us both. She pushed her way into Paradise," Julianne recounted. Her expression never fell but her eyes were sad. She looked at her hands. "I had a vision of my death. I knew Alessandra would win. I couldn't let her hurt my child, the soul I molded in my hands. She was innocent."

"Is that why it took 2000 years for the Chosen One to be born?" Klaus asked. Julianne nodded once again.

Her hands shook slightly and she shut her eyes as if the events were happening in front of her. "I separated the soul from my child and hid it."

"You can hide souls?" Bonnie was beyond words. This was magic she didn't know existed.

"I can delay when souls are placed on Earth. In similar terms, Cecelia had to be born under the right conditions. Specific souls were tied together to ensure she was born.

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