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If you were to utter the Original Hybrid's name you would be met with fear. His reputation for being ruthless made it easy for the supernatural community to stray away from him.

But deep down he was compassionate. Loyal to the people he cared for. The only issue was he didn't show it healthily.

He remembered the first time the prophecy was brought to his attention. Nearly 500 years ago when he was looking for the doppelgänger, a witch approached him with a long scroll. She told him the Chosen Child would be their savior. He thought she was crazy but for some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling there could be some truth behind it.

In the centuries that passed he researched more about the golden-eyed girl. He collected journals written by Enchanters. He learned about their magic and what made it unique.

In the 90s he got word of a magical surge in Mystic Falls. He asked an Enchanter he met in New Orleans to accompany him so they could investigate. They found a pregnant Abby Bennett and without even meeting the mother, the Enchanter knew she would bear the Chosen One.

So Klaus kept tabs on the baby. He watched her from afar to make sure nobody caused her any harm. As she got older he felt a tug that connected the two. It was like having another consciousness in his mind.

When she was five she ventured into the park without her Grandmother noticing. She tripped and fell but nobody came to her rescue. Klaus came from the trees and helped the young girl up.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he knelt at her height.

She stared at him with her eyes wide, "My Grams says I shouldn't talk to strangers."

He chuckled as he nodded, "She's right. Why don't you run along, Little One."

"You have a funny voice," she giggled, poking one of his dimples.

And just as he went to reply, her grandmother came shouting from the park entrance. Fear clouded her eyes when she saw the Original.

"Cecelia go wait in the car!" Scared, the young girl scrambled to get away from him.

"How did you find her?" Shelia Bennett was scary when she was angry. The wind picked up and he knew it was her doing.

He explained he was only keeping her safe. That if he found her so easily others would too. They agreed. He was her protector until she was ready to know about the prophecy. Shelia wanted Cecelia to have a normal childhood. She didn't want her granddaughter's life to be ruled off a sheet of paper.

Little did they know the child already had her magic. When she sang the sun glowed a little brighter. Animals were naturally drawn to her. She had this allure that made it impossible not to like her.

He continued his visits, still watching from afar to make sure she was alright. When went off to college he made sure it was paid for. He understood her love for music. It reminded of him his art.

Eventually, when Klaus finally introduced himself to Cecelia they were inseparable. He admired her ability to call him out on his bullshit. She wasn't scared of him like most people were.

"You can threaten me all you want, Klaus," she held eye contact with him, "I'm not going to help you murder my baby sister."

Leaving her in New Orleans was difficult. He couldn't explain how he knew something was wrong. He could sense it.  He decided it would be best to take the drive to someone who knew what to do.

"How is she doing?"

He recalled the emptiness behind her golden eyes. A light so dim she was almost unrecognizable. The person he left in New Orleans

"As you would expect someone who lost half of their soul," he responded sarcastically as he paced back and forth in the kitchen.

"Bonnie's bringing some of my mother's files on Cecelia," Abby told him as she steeped her funny-smelling tea. It wasn't an ideal partnership but he didn't have Shelia anymore.  "What exactly is the issue?"

"Supernatural beings can feel the magic of a witch by touch. Cecelia's power makes it so that you can feel her from miles away. Like a beacon," Klaus explained still pacing a hole into the floor. "In New Orleans, it felt like she had a boost of power. Like there was more to her."

"She's a witch without emotional barriers," Abby pointed out. "Her magic is limitless."

Klaus stopped moving, "that's what I believed. Until she nearly vomited all over my chest."

"She's throwing up?"  The mother wracked her brain for any idea why a vampire would get sick.

"I thought vampires can't get sick," Bonnie said as she came into the kitchen with a large cardboard box. She dropped it on the counter.

"We can't," Abby told her with a smile. She was happy Bonnie came to help her sister given their history. The mother and daughter were developing a relationship. Abby hoped the sisters could do the same.

"Why do you need these?" Bonnie asked, motioning to the box. She found it deep in her Grams closet. It was ragged and discolored. Useless.

"I believe the answers we're looking for are in your grandmother's files."

"Grams knew?" Bonnie look at her mother for confirmation. "She didn't teach us about Enchanters."

"She wanted to wait until your sister turned 18 and allow her to decide which path she wanted to take," Abby explained. She handed Bonnie a mug.

"Unfortunately she didn't get that change now did she," Klaus muttered sarcastically as he shuffled through the box.

"What are you looking for?" The Bennett mother asked.

"Anything that has to do with Cecelia keeping mortal traits," he answered without looking at them. "Vomiting, excessive sleep, cravings for human food."

"Those sound like pregnancy symptoms," Bonnie commented with a raise of an eyebrow.

"That's impossible," Klaus dismissed until he looked at the uncertainty in Abby's face. "What do you know?"

She inhaled sharply, "I don't have all the answers but I do have a name. Julianne."

Klaus knew that name. Cecelia's maker.

"I lived her life through my dreams," Abby whispered as she remembered the warmth from Paradise. A chill went down her spine. "It's still difficult to piece the story together. I think it's possible but you need to find Julianne to confirm it." 

A gust of wind hit the house, opening the front door and making a mess of the kitchen. The paper was like confetti, blinding the room occupants. When everything settled the three realized they weren't alone anymore. Sitting on top of the counter was a woman dressed in white robes. Gold bracelets clanked as she picked up a lingering piece of paper to read.

"She's right," the woman said, a small smile on her lips. "It is possible."

"Julianne I presume?" Klaus asked though he knew the answer. He tensed, prepared to protect himself if she grew violent.

"You shouldn't have left her," The elder witch pointed her finger at his chest. "Alessandra won't stop now. Cecelia had a target on her back."

"Why?" Came from Bonnie.

"Alessandra is thirsty for power. This is why she sought after Cecelia in the first place. But now a miracle has happened," Julianne shook her head in disbelief, "we didn't anticipate this."

"So it's true?"

Julianne's soft blue eyes met Klaus's heated gaze. A full grin broke out.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mikaelson. You're going to be an uncle."

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