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"When can I go back?" I whined loudly, alerting many of the other women near us

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"When can I go back?" I whined loudly, alerting many of the other women near us.

Alessandra hushed me, "I told you when you learn to throw lightning you can return home. Otherwise, you must keep practicing."

This was a setup. I should have known something was up when I first agreed. The woman who sat next to me knew I would fail.

"I can barely create water," I replied growing more irritated. I wasn't allowed to use any of my music magic while I was here. Alessandra says it'll only distract me. All I wanted to do was play piano.

Telling a music prodigy not to play music is a cruel and unusual punishment.

She let out a sigh. "Are you ready for your next lesson?"


"Good. Sit up," she instructed. "I want you to place your hands in the grass and let your thoughts leave."

I did as told. My annoyance was soon clouded with clarity. My limp went numb. Soon the only thing I could hear was the sound of her voice.

"Think of your favorite flower. What holds meaning to you."

The grass between my fingers became prickly. I felt my body rose from the ground.

"Now that is what I like to see. You can open your eyes now."

I looked down and noticed I was levitating on my own. A black rose was planted where I once sat.

Something was different about the way my magic felt. Usually, I felt a buzzing in my fingers when I sang or played an instrument. I never felt in tune with the earth. Not until now. It seemed as if the wind sang to me now. As if I could hear the nature around me.

"You feel it, yes?" Alessandra asked at my bewildered expression. "Freeing isn't it."

"I never knew it could be like this," I whispered as I set myself down on my feet. "Is that what it'll always be like?"

"You are the first and only of our kind to be another kind, Cecelia. I have no idea how it will be for you," she smiled, "but we have gotten a breakthrough. We should continue with Earth then move back to water." 

The river was my favorite place to be in Paradise. None of the Enchanters came here often. Well maybe because I'm there. I realized that most of them were scared of me. Not because I'm a threat but because they all grew up being told of my coming.

I wouldn't know how to react either.

Alessandra and I spent hours here daily. Usually, she'd give me a book to read and then teach me a few new spells.

"I want you to create a wall of water."

"I thought we were focusing on Earth?" I groaned.

She shook her head. "I have a theory."

"Yeah yeah," I grumbled, "how do I do it?"

"Start with a small wave to gain control. Bring your hands back in forth, and pull the water toward you. Then when you have it in your control bring the wave up." 

I took a deep breath. Slowly, with her guidance, the waves I created grew until they rose from the river bank. When it got too big I snapped my wrist and it froze.

"Huh," that was easier than expected. I focused all my energy on the water. Quietly melodies came from my mouth and the water fell back into the river.

"You used music," she didn't sound angry but confused.

"Is that not supposed to be possible?" I frowned. Well, I guess it's possible with me now.

"Breaking all the rules aren't you," she joked with a bump on my shoulder. "But this proves my theory. When we first started I could hear you humming quietly. I don't think you notice it. My guess is your magic is stronger when you use them both at the same time." 

"Does that mean I can play piano now?" I felt giddy.

With a sigh, she nodded and we began walking to where most of the music enchanters resided. Oddly enough they lived deep in the forest, surrounded by trees and defending silence.

As soon as my fingers touched the piano keys it was like sparks had erupted all over my body. I hummed along with the melody only looking up when I felt stares on my back.

Then it hit. The most overwhelming despair and rage. It felt hot in my brain as if someone placed a branding iron in my head. I sunk to the grass.

"What is that?" I cried, "Make it stop!"

The women looked sympathetic. I could tell they had all gone through the same thing.  Alessandra grabbed my hand in hers.

"Enchanter's Can feel the emotions of the soul they must protect. You have five souls including your soulmate." 

"How do I make it stop?" I whispered.

"You can't. You can only learn to control it." She helped me to my feet. "I'm surprised it took this long. Do you want to continue your lessons?"

I shook my head. "Can I take a walk? Alone?"

She gave a nod and the crowd parted to let me through. There was a pressure in the back of my head. My mind wasn't my own anymore.

Could they feel my emotions too? Would they feel the devastation and confusion I felt right now?

The rage in the back of my mind never lessened. That had to be Niklaus, though I think his anger comes from deep-rooted hurt.

"I just wanna go home," I whined to the trees. I heard a giggle behind me.

"Hello?" I whipped around to find myself alone.

"Hi!" Came a bubbly voice. I screamed.

"Oh goodness!" She cried. "I hadn't meant to scare you."

"Where did you come from?" I panted as I tried to catch my breath.

"The trees of course," she giggled. "And if you want to go home why don't you?"

"Have you been following-" I was wide-eyed when I noticed, "How can I do that?"

She frowned, "You came in on your own surely you can leave on your own. Didn't Julianne show you?"

"Who's Julianne? I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You don't know Julianne? Goodness," she seemed concerned. "You know, forget I said anything. Goodbye, Cecelia."

Then she was gone.

"I- man this place gets weirder every day."

Though strange, the girl was right. If entering paradise wasn't that hard then I could leave.

I sat in the grass and closed my eyes. My inner enchanter felt annoyed. She didn't want to leave.

"Come on. We can come back in an hour, I bargained. She agreed knowing how stubborn we both could be.

It didn't take long for the familiar golden doors to appear in front of me. Eagerly, I walked through and entered the Mikaelson mansion.

"NIKLAUS!" I shouted. Voices came from the living room.


There she was in her glory, The master of disappearance.

Abby Bennett.

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