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"I'm leaving

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"I'm leaving."

How could a matter of minutes leave my life shattering into a thousand pieces? Yet, the fracture in reality made sense. Everything finally fit into place.

My Grams always told me I was special, that my magic had cast me away from the other witches. I figured it was because I'm the only Bennett Enchanter.


This was something beyond comprehension.

"Cecelia wait," Klaus was suddenly blocking the door.

"Move, Niklaus," I said calmly. As angry as I was with him I didn't want to use my magic to hurt him.

"Let me explain," he tried. I think he knew I could move him if I wanted. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

"There's nothing you can say right now," I hissed. "Move or be moved."

He reached for my hand, "Cici-"

I snatched back as if he was on fire. "YOU LIED TO ME! I HAVE NEVER LIED TO YOU," I shouted, my voice shaking the entire house. My eyes turned from the glimmering gold to a hateful red.

And just like that she was free.

"Everyone stay still," the musical tone of my voice made it impossible not to obey.

"Bloody hell," Rebekah muttered as she tried to move her limbs.

She wanted him to feel the hurt she felt. Usually, she and I never got along. This time, for once, I agreed.

I took a step toward Klaus, "Look at me."

With no choice, he gazed into the red pools my eyes created.

"How long have you known it was me?" I commanded.

"Since the day we met. Gloria suspected as much," he answered in a flat tone.

I wanted to scream. Betrayal shook my bones. My mentor didn't tell me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered as my eyes watered.

He looked pained, "I had to be sure. Your prophecy says you're to guard the most powerful supernatural family."

I took a step back and stared at the siblings. "So what? I'm your bodyguard?" They gave blank expressions. I laughed bitterly. "This is crazy."

"Grams why is my magic so strange?"

My ten-year-old self sat on the piano bench with a notepad in my lap. Grams always let me write my music while we practiced.

"You're different, Child. One day you'll be more powerful than you could imagine," she answered from the couch.

"Like you?"

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