What the Wha?!

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Yeah, I couldn't wait for this chapter! ☺️

Don't own TMNT.

Enjoy! :)

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I jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

My notes that I was going to show April had almost slipped out of my grasp, but I managed to catch them just in the nick of time.

Going to her apartment had been a daily routine for me ever since she showed us her home. Her address was permanently etched on my mind.

I was always checking if she was safe, I would do anything for a friend.

I knew that my brothers are on to me, that my secret that I had been hiding for fifteen years would be uncovered.

Right now the only people that knows are Sensei and Leatherhead. Soon it would be Sensei, Leatherhead, and April O'Neil. Oh, and Casey Jones too.

Why am I telling him, you ask? Well, you'll find out later on.

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I'm finally here, it felt like I ran for a century. Her bedroom lights were on, and there she was, sitting on her bed and waiting for me to arrive. Impatiently, I add.

I knock on her window and she rushes towards it. April smiled sleepily at me gestured for me to come in.

I flashed her a grateful look and climbed in.

"Alright, so what is it that you need help in, Donnie?"

"Danni." I automatically correct her, out of habit because Leatherhead keeps forgetting to call me by my real name. But I muttered it, so she didn't hear me.

I cleared my throat, and looked at her straight in the eye.

"There's something you need to see."

I dumped my notes on her table and looks at them critically. "What are these, Donnie?"


April looks at me in surprise. "Pardon?"

I bit my lip, it was better for her to know. "It's Danni. Short for Daniella."

The red head, narrowed her eyes. "What are you saying?"

"Check the notes."

She scrambled around, picking up the papers and breezing through it. "But, this is impossible, I thought that... You-"

I looked at the half alien mutant solemnly. "Yes, April. I am not a male turtle, I am female."

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"So you never did like me in that way all this time?"

April took the news in better than I anticipated. Actually, she took it in positively.

You know what she did? She squealed so loud that her neighbors thumped on the wall to shut her up. She kept rambling how great it was that there was another girl in the family.

Oh, how I held in the urge to scream whenever I heard a 5 Seconds Of Summer song play on the radio in the lair. And now that my red headed friend knew my secret, we could scream together.

I nodded my head and laughed. "Yeah, it was just pretend. I had to do something to convince my brothers that I'm male."

April grinned at me. "Why were you acting goofily around me all the time, then? Everyone knows that you're a terrible actor. Er, actress. And I noticed, that you always do when Casey's around."

My cheeks flushed. "I-it's nothing! It'snotlikeIhaveacrushonhimoranything-!"

Her blue eyes widened. "You like Casey Jones?!"





I threw a pillow at her. She shrieked and threw it back at me. Soon we were having a pillow fight.

Little did I know, someone was watching us.

The feline licked his lips. "The purple turtle is female and is in love with the hockey vigilante? Master Shredder would love this."

Donnie's Secret (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now