...I Love You Too

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Yeah, a certain someone (*cough* Zoethezany *cough cough*) wanted me to update, so here we go.

WARNING! Hot steamy makeout ahead! If you want, you can skip this chapter.

I don't own TMNT. Enjoy! :D

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Casey's eyes were half closed.

His hands were on either side of my head, I couldn't move. Not that I wanted to, though.

He nuzzled his head against my neck, and I moaned softly.

"Is it true?" He whispered. "Do you like me?"

He nipped at my neck, and I squirmed under his grasp. My back arched when he gave a small lick.

"Answer me, Don."

"Y... Ye- oh god, Casey!" He was sucking now, leaving love marks on my neck. I couldn't help myself. I groaned in pleasure. He chuckled lightly

"I'll take that as a yes."

"C-Casey!" I swear, my face was as red as Raph's mask right now. "W-wait, stop!" I looked at him desperately. "We're in enemy ground, we can't do this here!"

"Don't worry, love," he cooed. "Everything'll be okay. Just ignore 'em."

Casey POV

I just couldn't control myself.

I knew Don was special amongst hi- her brothers, but I never thought that he would turn out to be a she and said she would like me back.

I know what you're thinking, and yes, I even would've gone gay for her, him, gah, this so confusing!

But, the moment she locked eyes with me, I knew. I knew what they did to her. They tortured her, caused her pain in every single part of her body, they broke her spirit in the worst possible way.

It was like a punch to my gut when I saw her chocolate brown orbs looking helplessly at me. They were... dull. Boring. Not like before, her eyes used to be filled with curiosity and knowledge.

Now it was... nothing.

And right at this moment, I wanted to make her feel that she's not alone in this nightmare. That she has me right by her side.

I pinned her and Don squirmed under me, even if she was taller.

"Is it true?" I whispered. "Do you like me?"

I nipped at her neck, causing her to squirm again. Donnie probably didn't know it, but she let out a low moan and arched her back when I licked a small part.

"Answer me, Don." I wasn't asking, I was demanding that she answered me.

"Y... Ye- oh god, Casey!" I interrupted her, already knowing what she was trying to say.

My heart skipped a beat. She likes me back!

In my excitement, I began sucking her neck, leaving love marks, and I was sure that they were going to be there for a while. I gave a small chuckle when I heard her groan.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"C-Casey!" Something in Don's voice changed. Worry? Confusion? What is it? "W-wait, stop!" Stop? Why would I want to stop? But I did anyway, for her. "We're in enemy ground, we can't do this here!"

Oh, so she was afraid that we are going to get caught? I can fix that.

"Don't worry, love," I cooed at her. "Everything'll be okay. Just ignore 'em."

She looked up at me and I could see some of her innocence coming back to her eyes. She was forgetting that she got raped. Because of me, because of what I'm doing to her.

This was my chance. I leaned down and captured her delicate lips in mine. It was weird kissing a turtle, but as soon as we made contact, it felt like fireworks, no, fireworks tied to bombs exploded inside of me. In a good way.

I was ecstatic when I felt her kiss me back. It was like we were in sync, her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands found their way to her turtle waist. They played with the straps of her Bo staff and she giggled lightly.

That laugh, it was enough to make me melt.

Her fingers played with my messy hair, she was teasing me. Oh, two can play at that game.

My hands ventured lower until they were resting on her outer thigh. I rubbed them up and down and she moaned into my mouth.

Don pulled away from the kiss and leaned on my chest, carefully avoiding my wound.

"I love you, Casey." She murmured.

My eyes widened. No one's ever told me they loved me except for my dad and my sister. I looked down and saw her breathing peacefully on my chest.

I smiled lightly. "... I love you too, Donnie."

"It's Danni, short for Daniella."

And together, we fell into the sweet sensation of slumber.


For what felt like a few minutes later, the cell door trapping both of us opened, and light shone through, awakening Danni and I.

There stood in the doorway, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo, Daniella's brothers.

We were saved.

Donnie's Secret (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now