Going Into Labor

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Yeah, it's 9:00 PM here, which is kinda past my bedtime, but I'd don't care, I wanna finish this chapter.

I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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*8 months later* (sorry for all the timeskips!)

"But Captain Ryan-!"

*slap!* "No, Crankshaw. You know I have to go sacrifice myself. For the team."

I growled. How can Leo like this show?

I'm sorry, I'm just really moody right now. The baby is going to come soon and I don't know when. Casey and I still don't know the gender, we decided to keep it as a surprise.

A ringtone rang out in the lair, and I realized it was mine. Casey, who had his arm around my shoulders, looked at me curiously.

I took out my phone and my face lit up. It was April, thank god! She was going to save me from boredom.

A: Hey, Danni, do you have some time for us to hang? Y'know... girl to girl?

D: Yeah, I really need someone to talk with. It's pretty boring in the lair.

A: Cool! My place in 10?

D: I'll see you there.

I put my phone back in my belt and switched on my human watch. I reappeared in a knee length dress with little flower designs. My stomach has reached it's maximum size, which means it won't grow any bigger anymore.

Casey look at me, his face twisted with confusion.

"I'm going to April's."

"I'm going with you." He decided.

"No, it's a girl's night out."

"Aww, but-"

"No buts, Casey. Maybe you could kick the PD's butts with Raph?"

He sighed. "Fine, but be safe."

I kissed his cheek. "I will."

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I walked down the street.

A few people gave me strange looks because of my stomach size, but otherwise didn't say anything.

Once I reach April's apartment, she let me in with a smile on her face.

Remember when I said that she might steal Casey away from me? Well, she proved that she wasn't going to by showing me her boyfriend that she had been secretly dating all these months.

Wow, who knew huh?

"How ya been, Danni?" She beamed.

"Just fine, the baby's kicking up a notch, literally. Woke me up this morning."

"Aww, that's adorable!" April gushed.

We spent the next hour just talking and catching up with each other. Sharing stories, cracking jokes, and just hanging out like we used to.

And then suddenly, I felt something flow down my legs. Startled, I let out a surprised yelp.

I was consumed with pain, and I saw a blur of red and yellow just for a minute before I shut my eyes again and screamed.

"Casey, Casey! You have to get here, now! It's Danni! Bring her brothers and Master Splinter." The half mutant commanded. "Go!"

"A-April," I muttered.

She looked at me, her face flustered and helpless.

"Hold on, Dan," she whispered. "The guys'll get here soon."

"I'm giving birth!" I snapped, "I think I need to deliver my baby now!"

The redhead looked taken aback, but nonetheless she stayed calm and collected. She looked like she was deciding on something.

"Alright, Danni," April sighed and locked the door. "I'll help you."

She took off my underwear and gripped my shoulder. "Now, push!"

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After hours of screaming and pain, I had finally pushed the baby out.

The boys had arrived a long time ago, but April didn't let anyone except Master Splinter in, and he held my hand when April coaxed me and calmed me down.

My brothers were very worried, but they didn't expect me to give birth today. Mikey was the first one to burst through the window, and his joyful face turned into a horrified one once he saw me... y'know.

Raph had burst in right after, and the same look appeared on his face. He screamed in surprise but then acted quickly and covered my little brother's eyes and his own.

Casey came through the other window, but his eyes doubled their size when he saw me on April's bed. He wanted to help me, but Raph held him back.

And then Leo walked in, his hands over his face. I guess he learned from his previous brothers that something scarring was happening in the house.

Master Splinter came in last, but he already had experience with Tang Shen. And plus, he is my father.

And so, he pushed his sons out of the room and proceeded to help me give birth.

The little baby I held in my arms was a little baby girl. She was a turtle. But that's what we all thought at first. After a few moments of string at my beloved child, her form flickered, and she was a human. I guess that means that one day she could go to school.

The door creaked and Casey's head poked out. "Is she...?"

He took one look at the baby in my arms and smiled warmly.

"She looks beautiful," he whispered. "Can I hold her?"

I passed the little bundle in my arms to Casey, and almost immediately, she opened her eyes and giggled. Her little hands reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling on it.

"Ow!" I chuckled. Yep, that's Casey's kid.

April stroked her hair softly. "What's her name?"

"Onx," I quipped, grinning happily. "Onx Tempest Jones."

Leo smiled. "It sounds perfect." He bent down and kissed her forehead. "Welcome to the world, my little niece. You look beautiful."

"I agree," Raph commented.

"Don't we all?" Mikey smirked.

"For now, my children," Master Splinter interrupted, "we will stay low and take care of little Onx. She is only a baby, and therefore needs much attention."

"Hai Sensei." Everyone left the room, except for Casey. He smiled and hugged me.

"I love you, Casey Jones," I whispered.

"I love you too, Hamato Daniella."

Onx made a little noise, which made Casey and I look down on her. I held her tighter to my chest, and Casey held us tighter to his.

"We love you too, Onxy."

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