Good? Or Bad?

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Yeah, the end is near dudes and dudettes.

I'm kinda sad that this is almost about to end :(

I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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My eyes fluttered open.

I was in my room, and I was wearing nothing. My knee pads, elbow pads, and my wrappings were all off.

Someone's arm was around my waist. I looked down and saw five fingers. It was Casey.

I blinked rapidly and blushed as the memories of last night came flooding back. He must've carried me to my room. How sweet of him.

But suddenly, I felt something coming up my throat. I slapped my hand over my mouth and raced to the bathroom. I didn't care if I woke Casey up, I had to barf, Jesus Christ!

When I reached the toilet, I emptied out all of the stuff I ate yesterday, which was pizza, pizza, nachos, pizza, pizza, and more pizza.

Someone was rubbing my shell, and it turned out to be Leo. He looked worried.

"Danni, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

I wiped my mouth with a tissue. "I... I don't, I don't know." My eyes bulged. "But now I think I do." I pushed my big brother out the door, and then I locked the door behind.

"Sis? You okay?" Leo called from outside. After that I heard some shuffling, and another voice rang out, "Dudette, you alright?"

Mikey. He was so innocent, I didn't want to ruin his mind.

"Y-yeah! Yeah, sure." I stammered. "I'm fine! Go and just eat without me."

After a few minutes, I quickly opened the medicine cabinet and took out some tests.

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I stared at it.

The little plus sign in front of me. It mocked me.

I exited the bathroom to find my brothers laughing and talking with Casey and April. My best friend saw me and waved me over.

"Danni! C'mon!"

I stumbled over to them, Casey catching my arm as I almost fell to the floor. His concerned look is locked in my mind forever. But his angry one... I'm sure I'll never forget it.

"Koala, what's wrong?" I glared at him. What's wrong? You're going to be a father, that's what's wrong!

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to my lab, and after that I let my tears flow down my cheeks. Casey looked freaked out.

"Danni?! Wha-what's wrong? What happened?"

I shoved the test in his face. I watched as his eyes widened.

"You're... You're pregnant?" I winced. "That's great!"

My eye twitched. "Great? Casey, we're 16!"

He smiled softly. "Danni, I don't care if we're 16 years old. All I care is that I'm having my baby with my beautiful girlfriend."

My heart did a few flips. "You're right. But we have to tell the others."

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I took a deep breath.

I raised my hand to knock on Sensei's door, but it opened even before I had the chance to. "What is it that you require, my daughter?"

"May I speak with you, father?" Master Splinter raised an eyebrow at my words of choice, and silently let me in.

"Is there something wrong?"

I blinked, "No, no, nothing at all. Everything is fine."

Master Splinter stopped in front of me. "Daniella, I sense that something is not fine."

"Please don't be angry?"

"No promises."

I gulped. "Ah, um... Casey and I, we... we..."


"We... We made... made love." I squeaked.


"S-Sensei? Are you... mad?"

Father stroked his goatee. "Hmm, I suppose not. I suspected that Casey would want to do a thing like this. And I know that you, my daughter, knowing your nature, would give in to him."

I blushed for the umpteenth time that day. "Sensei!"

He chuckled. "What? I am only speaking the truth, my child. Now, I suppose you need to tell your brothers?"

"That's what I'm afraid of."

He smiled lightly. "Go. I'm sure they will understand."

I took a deep breath and exited Sensei's room. Outside, everyone was waiting for me to come out.

"Well?" Raph asked.

"Well what?" I chuckled nervously. I heard Master Splinter face palm in the room.

"Danni," My boyfriend glared at me. "They need to know."

"Need to know what?" Raph growled.

"We have news." Casey went to stand beside me. He took hold of my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "We're just not sure if you'll take it as good news... or bad news." I took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."

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