Can I Have This Dance?

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Hey, I know I said that this book is almost about to end, but I decided to write a few pointless, but still cute, chapters to make the book longer. XD

BTW, the video above, just watch it when I tell you to. It's an important part of the story.

WARNING! It's a pretty long chapter, so read if you dare.

I don't own TMNT, enjoy!

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"Please, Master Splinter?"

I begged my father. Ever since I told them I got pregnant, the whole family's been overprotective.

Leo was always watching my every move, but still as swift and quiet as a ninja should be. Good thing he doesn't follow me to the bathroom, though, he just guards the door. Mikey was always making sure my food was 'healthy enough' for me. Honestly Mike, we both know who's the smarter one here! And Raph... well, like Leo, he never leaves my side, but chooses not to hide himself. He literally sticks by my side everyday, even at night! He sleeps beside my bed. Even April was being overprotective, she always hustles and goes about whenever I go out to get scraps for my inventions. She makes sure that I have my T-Phone and my staff.

And you know the worst thing of it all?

I couldn't go on evening patrols! I was forced to stay underground with Master Splinter every night and wait for my brothers' and boyfriend's return.

When they do return, however, it would always be late night, and I'd be asleep by then. I missed being with Casey and he missed being with me.

Both of us were sick of it all.

So, we decided to ask Sensei for just one date on the rooftops. Casey already planned it all out.

The rooftop we would be one is the one which is near to the dance studio. Every night, the dancers would have a new tune, and the while I was still 15, my brothers and I would dance to those songs.

It would be our little dance party. And ever since I told Casey about that place, he's been wanting to got there with me, to have a dance date.

"Yes, you may go."

I huffed. "But that's totally unfair! I could protect myself, and- wait, did you say we could go?"

Master Splinter chuckled. "You have a loving and caring boyfriend. One who would even die for you. But take note, my daughter," he looked me straight in the eye. "You must face the consequences of your actions."

Then, he looked to the human boy. "I expect her back by 10, Mr. Jones."

My face burned up. "Sensei!"

"What? I just want you to be safe, my child."

I grinned and switched on my human watch. Immediately, I was dressed up in my blouse and skirt.

"You look beautiful," Casey whispered in my ear.

I giggled and let my boyfriend drag me off to the surface.

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I was blindfolded.

Don't ask me why, Casey put it on me. I already know where we're going, so I had no idea why he tied a bandana around my head.

I stumbled, but two strong arms caught me before I fell.

"You sure have a knack for falling, don't ya?"

I slapped any part I could reach, which was his chest, and said, "Well, I'm blindfolded, do you expect me to still be as stealthy as a ninja when I can't see a thing?!"

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